Todd Fast’s Weblog An amusing April Fools gag sent out as a memo toSun Microsoystems employees. Almost believeable enough to be a classic.
In the first phase, to be implemented between today and April 1, 2007, approximately 800 employees with duplicated first and last names will be renamed to eliminate the duplication. At the completion of this phase, it will be possible to uniquely refer to any Sun employee using the employee’s first and last name. In the second phase, to be implemented between April 1, 2007 and April 1, 2008, approximately 20,000 employees with duplicated first names and last initials will be renamed to eliminate the duplication. At the completion of this phase, it will be possible to uniquely refer to any Sun employee using the employee’s first name and last initial. In addition to the obvious convenience improvement involved, substantial savings are expected through eliminating printing the full last name on various internal documents. The ink required to print a typical name will be cut in half!
Hhhmmm, novel idea. Save on ink, hey isn’t that environmentally friendly too?
Somehow that strikes me as a good idea for my bussiness
The way things are currently at Sun it’s probably true. The alternative would be to just fire everyone with duplicate names which seems more likely