Every Click You Make, They’ll Be Watching You

Would you trust a company enough to let it follow your every click online?

Claria, a company once vilified for raining pop-up advertisements across the Internet through its Gator software, is betting its business that the answer is yes. Claria said it would announce Monday the release of PersonalWeb, a service that will let people download a piece of tracking software and receive a home page filled with news stories and other information tailored to their interests.

Claria says that because those ads are so closely aligned to the user’s interests and recent behavior, marketers will be willing to pay more than they might on other sites for the ability to reach PersonalWeb users.

That part of Claria’s plan is convincing enough for some analysts, and privacy advocates appear satisfied that Claria will stand by its pledge to track only the computer (whose owner it does not identify), not the personal information of the user. Whether many consumers will use the service anyway and give marketers an audience worth pursuing is the big question.

  1. Tod says:

    Well HEY!!!…
    if it keeps them from posting garbage everywhere else on the web….

  2. Agent 004F says:

    Would you trust a company enough to let it follow your every click online?
    This was tried before. The company went under and the Sandhiller VC types lost $50 billion in virtual value. It was an academic success and a technical failure. In other words, a big waste of time. Big is difficult. Big steel, big auto, big airlines, big music big software big problems. The Earth isn’t that big when you look at all the time and space around us.
    Some problems are bigger than others. What can you do?

  3. Sean says:

    Really, this has been tried many, many times before. Not in the same fashion, but companies paying people to follow their whereabouts on the web. I remember this from at least 10 years ago. Hell, this was way before spyware. In fact, I always figured those companies finally realized they could do the same thing without paying people, and wham, spyware was born.

  4. GIBSON says:

    Ive got it! If Clara really wants people to use its adware then pay them. I mean I might just consider a program that watches my internet usage IF THEY PAID ME! just a thought.

  5. No more than Re-inventing the spyware wheel.
    PC users are more svavy on search for what they want with out the need for Claria.
    Most online services give you a logon home page filled with news stories and other information tailored to your interests.
    For people in need of push data they can join feeds for free.


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