Do you realize that tomorrow at 1:02 and 3 seconds there will be a weird numerilogical oddity? It will be fourth of april 2006 and that means it will be:
01:02:03 on the 04 (month) of the 05 (day) of 06?
That’s gotta mean something!!!
Do you realize that tomorrow at 1:02 and 3 seconds there will be a weird numerilogical oddity? It will be fourth of april 2006 and that means it will be:
01:02:03 on the 04 (month) of the 05 (day) of 06?
That’s gotta mean something!!!
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John, this will not happen tomorrow but Wednesday April 5th. But then you are always ahead of the times.
It’s probably the end of the world.
123456. Add the numbers in pairs starting from the outside to the inside: 1+6=7, 2+5=7, 3+4=7. That’s three 7’s. A lucky number; also 7+7+7=21. Odd thing, however, is that 7, itself, is not in 123456 which means the seventh man will make tomorrow if he wants.
another interesting numerology: President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was born on the Eleventh of September. This man has a consciousness level of 9. Pres. Bush better watch the fcuk out.
12:34:56 7/8/90 now that was a day!
Unless you are in Europe, where they show the date by Day/Month/Year. it will be 5/4/06. For them, this will happen May 4th.
Yeah, it means you have way too much time on your hands.
Kristopher, the end of the world is on December 21, 2012. God told me.
david, That’s because it’s the day I’ll turn 27. :þ
There will be another one in August of this year…
08/07/06 05:04:03
Perhaps the world will end THEN.
I didn’t tell you anything David!
Maybe it will be another harmonica (sic) convergence.
David, where do you get this consciousness level stuff. If that sack-blow is a 9 that must mean that lower numbers are better.
We all survived 12:34 May 6, 1978 (12:34 5/6/78) and we didn’t even have the internet to warn us.
Me, I read it in “Boomeritis” by Ken Wilber and in “Spiral Dynamics” by Beck and Cohen. I’ve verified it in real life with my own personal experience. I am at about a level 9 also, with glimpses of 10. I go down to about 3 when I’m seeking sex, however (sex being an animal act). You can’t see levels above you or below you which is why you call Aasad a “sack-blow. You have to reach, at least, level 7 to realize there *are* levels in the first place. Otherwise, you can’t possibly understand. You don’t have the capacity to understand. You have to grow in consciousness to comprehend the world better and more accurately. I forgive you. You can’t see.
Me, I think the end of the world will be June 6th: 6/6/6
…..correct me if im wrong…..but didnt this already happen to people who were living 1000 years ago? 01/02/03 1006 AD
On Wednesday of this coming week, at two minutes and
three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be:
01:02:03 04/05/06
That won’t ever happen again… until 3006, that is.
Yada, Yada, Yada
But how about this
06/06/06 06:06:06:6 and so on the 6is never end this June 6 2006 –Richard
01:02:03 04/05/06 and
12:34:56 7/8/90
happen every 100 years.
And where do you get the 7, 8 and 9 ?
Well, according to David, I won’t be an evil crinch when I fail, as I do every year, to buy anybody anything for Christmas in 2012. We’ll have other issues.
And The Force is a much better deal than this “consciousness”, or at least that’s what my Jedi buddies tell me.
John, The Force, Consciousness, The Tao, God are all trying to describe the same thing, but it depends on how far the Mind has developed in the individual to understand which description is right for them. Personally, I like Tao which is the highest belief I know (for now). The Stephen Mitchell translation of Tao Te Ching is the only book I would need if I were deserted on an island forever. I know, I know…I’m already there for many of you.
If you only want to wait around until May 6th of next year, you’ll have
02:03:04 05/06/07
Actually, we’ll have eight more years of these sequences, with the last one being 09:10:11 12/13/14. I’m so excited, I could just crap my pants.
Oops, just did. Damn.