A former student

I can’t decide if this is a good tool or not. It sounds awful, but if it keeps them from hurting themselves… Note: this is not electroshock therapy where the brain gets zapped.

State stops sending disabled to school using shock therapy

New Jersey will not send any more disabled adults to a Massachusetts residential school that uses electric shock therapy to curb aggressive behavior, a state spokesman said yesterday.

The Division of Developmental Disabilities pays $624,000 a year to the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Mass. for the treatment of three adults with developmental disabilities and severe behavioral problems, state spokesman Ed Rogan said.

At issue is Rotenberg’s use of an aversion therapy device called the graduated electronic decelerator, which students wear like a back pack. Low-wattage electrodes attached to a Velcro strap are wrapped around a student’s arm or leg. A two-second shock is emitted if his or her behavior becomes aggressive or otherwise hard to control, according to the school’s Web site (www.judgerc.org). The pain feels like a bee sting, according to the Web site. School officials and some parents attest the treatment stops their children from hurting themselves and others.

  1. RTaylor says:

    Unless you’ve experience with these particular children you probably should reserve judgement. These children can be very violent and self destructive. The use of physical and chemical restraints isn’t much of a solution either. There are some situations in life that’s crappy with no good solutions. Such remedies should be used by professionals and monitored for any abuse. Many years ago as a Science teacher I was sent to a satellite school for emotionally and physically impaired students to perform physics experiments for them, mostly as an enrichment activity.

  2. joshua says:

    the violence some of these kids are capable of is unreal. It’s a no win situation for the schools, doctors and parents, and the kids themselves.

    The state using the term…*shock* therepy was not wise to say the least. Thats a code word to many people for abuse.

  3. ECA says:

    Many dont understand how SOME persons seem, to be wired DIFFERENTLY.
    HOw to get though to the Minds of some, can be very hard. Trying to change the THINKING, when the person cant control themselves, is HARD.
    Electro shock, has shown that its NOT reliable, as you have to increase the voltage, continually, to get the same effects.
    It would be good, at TOTALLY stopping/knocking them out, so they cant do harm. But as a Modifier, its the same with most drugs that wear off, or the body gets used to it, and the effectiveness is no longer doing much good.
    Where a SHOCK to knock them down, is FASTER then trying to get drugs, INTO there system to do the SAME thing, is FAST and needs less persons in harms way.. It is NOT a solution.

  4. Chris says:

    I saw some coverage of this school online a while back through video interviews with the principle, students, and parents. All the parents interviewed said quite frankly and thankfully that the school saved their kids lives. Dicipline is not an ends unto itself but rather a means to an end, namely positive behavior that is neither self-distructive or harmful to others. If shocking them to no ill effect works and saves lives then shock away.


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