Nice tie!

Nine Least Likely Apple-Turns-30 Surprises

Only [two] days to Apple’s 30th birthday. Year 20 was celebrated with a limited-edition special edition Mac (a 250 MHz speed demon for just $7500!). But back then, Steve was on his forced hiatus, and no one believes he’d let Apple pull that shit again. So what’ll it be this year?

Nine least likely 30th anniversary Apple surprises

9. John C. Dvorak named product strategist
8. Steve and his Oracle pal Larry Ellison go hunting; Larry shoots Steve in the face
7. The iPhone Shuffle: hit a button, call a random number
6. iTunes for Linux
5. Solid gold 30th anniversary Mac: you can’t use it, but it sure looks posh
4. A Jobs-branded fashion line, with the ad slogan: “Here’s to the pretty ones.”
3. Apple Newton starts shipping again. Not with any upgrades, it just starts shipping again
2. Apple buys Disney, Mickey Mouse mascot replaced with Jonathan Ive
1. Steve wears a bowtie again — over his turtleneck

  1. Peter Garner says:

    The iPhone shuffle sounds like something Woz would come up with.

  2. Awake says:

    30th Anniversary surprise – this is probably what will happen.
    Apple ships OSX for ‘regular’ PC hardware, with the capability to run Windows applications within a OSX window. Microsft stock crashes, because people realize that although they currently have expensive software that only runs on a PC, they don’t have to buy a new $600 copy of Photoshop and MS Office just because they want to run OSX. Their next hardware purchase is then an Apple branded Intel Mac, with the same ‘run your windows apps’ on a Mac capability.
    That’s the real 30th anniversary treat… the annoncement that you will never need to buy a copy of Windows again.
    Apple annonces support for OpenOffice, and finally gets a version that actually works properly on a Mac.

  3. JSFORBES says:

    I think we would hear snippets if it would be that big. Or it could be that big and they are just being secretive, like iPod wearing ninjas…

  4. Shoot an apple off jobs head!
    Yeah, I wasn’t invited either.
    Apple is an exclusive club! You have to think differntly and pay more to belong.

  5. jasontheodd says:

    Don’t worry he will be invited to the Windows vista on a Mac coming out party….

  6. Joao says:

    Well, Awake, there´s only one flaw with Microsofts demise:

    To run Windows apps on OSX either Apple would have to license Windows from Micro$oft, or You´d have to buy your own Windows copy.
    Either way Bill would be Laughing Out Loud, on the chair of his own foundation…

    One more cookie idea:

    Steve buys Disney, and then breaks it up and sells every piece with a high profit, and then buys Microsoft.

    New moniker: AppleSoft – All the fruit in one basket.

    Said it….

  7. gquaglia says:

    Say what you want about Apple or Jobs, but he did turn the company around. I can’t remember how many pundits over the years were saying Apple would be out of business by now.

  8. Dan says:

    Check out the new book on Jobs “Icon” its a great title and can be taken both ways. He has conned everyone and it is one of the best second acts in business history.

  9. James Hill says:

    I thought everyone knew about the widescreen iPod?

  10. gquaglia
    Apple always had 4 to 10% share of computers on the market.
    The rest was mostly PC based.
    Apple was a niche market mostly used by graphic artists and people that used page layout programs such as aldus page maker and quark.
    In the early years the programs where not available for the PC.
    The main reason PC users didn’t adapt to the Apple was it wasn’t a computer you can open up and make changes Also everything from software to hardware cost double.
    Up too recently the apple computer was immune to viruses.
    The fact of the matter jobs is hard to work for and he was liked.
    Jobs and Gates battled right from the beginning but when
    Apple was in bad shape it was Microsoft that came to rescue by investing in the company. This shocked many people
    No one wanted to see apple fail because the jokes where just too good.
    Steven Paul Jobs saved the company latter on when he cofounded pixar. i would say that this opened door for the ipod. and a new revenue basis After all everything was shared for free thru peer to peer. Apples greed and his hollywood connections put an end to Free music sharing.

  11. Mike Voice says:

    Apple was in bad shape it was Microsoft that came to rescue by investing in the company. This shocked many people

    Yeah, a lot of history there – which is hard to condense into sound bites.

    MS selling Word and Excel for the Mac, when Apple was still giving-away MacWrite.

    MS getting a license to develop Windows based on MacOS – but then Apple sued MS over Win3.0, because the license was only for 1.0??? [the OS “look and feel” lawsuit] Which lead MS to intentionally make the windows desktop “feel” different than a Mac’s – so it became harder to switch bwetween the two, than it initially was…

    Apple & MS teaming-up against Adobe’s lock on Type1 fonts and Postscript – using the threat of TrueType fonts & Postscript clones to get Adobe to cave on licensing fees for desktop publishing.

    …oops, the truth of my fanboy status has been revealed… 🙂

  12. Babaganoosh says:

    #1 choice is wrong. Here’s what it will really be:

    1. Apple is dumping OS X and switching to Windows Vista.

  13. Josh DeBoer says:

    The number one……Steve Jobs comes out wearing a Microsoft Vista Loves Apple shirt.


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