European researchers have created an interface between mammalian neurons and silicon chips. The development is a crucial first step in the development of advanced technologies that combine silicon circuits with a mammal’s nervous system. The ultimate applications are potentially limitless.

In the long term it will possibly enable the creation of very sophisticated neural prostheses to combat neurological disorders. What’s more, it could allow the creation of organic computers that use living neurons as their CPU.

With the help of German microchip company Infineon, NACHIP placed 16,384 transistors and hundreds of capacitors on a chip just 1mm squared in size. The group had to find appropriate materials and refine the topology of the chip to make the connection with neurons possible.

Biologically NACHIP uses special proteins found in the brain to essentially glue the neurons to the chip. These proteins act as more than a simple adhesive, however. “They also provided the link between ionic channels of the neurons and semiconductor material in a way that neural electrical signals could be passed to the silicon chip,” says Vassanelli.

Once there, that signal can be recorded using the chip’s transistors. What’s more, the neurons can also be stimulated through the capacitors. This is what enables the two-way communications.

Not a bad start. If we can deal with the warts who fear technology more than ethics, this might get to where it’s useful.

  1. jasontheodd says:

    When do I get my robot arm? Or a x-ray eyeball? I got it, Laser Lips!

  2. Improbus says:

    I am Improbus of the Borg … LOL.

  3. Floyd says:

    If you’ve read any cyberpunk novels (William Gibson, Bruce Sterling and others), you might see this as a “the future is now” moment.

  4. Mike says:

    Is this animal experimentation? Somebody call PETA or ALF!

  5. James Hill says:

    So when the giant spaghetti monster created us, he left a legacy system in place to interface with older hardware.

    Guess he wasn’t an Apple user.

  6. Greg V. says:

    Everything’s going to be wireless by the time this gets anywhere. That sucks, I’ll never get that cool wire jack directly into my head.

  7. Rand al'Thor says:

    The Borg…that’s what this made me think of

  8. Raff says:

    Now that they can grow meat they can tell it what to do with these microchips. Hmmm… maybe we can grow blank people and program them to think whatever we want.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    The implications for Cybersex!

  10. Jeremy says:

    I like the wire jack idea too, maybe it will have one for firmware upgrades.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    I almost forgot!

    I’m in for it as long as Sony is kept away from it, I don’t want to pay to see some things that I will remember just because of their clunky DRM.

  12. MikeR says:

    I can see the next wave in criminal defense arguments now: A virus made me do it!


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