Google!?!? Oh no!!!

Over: The Blog — Sounds like BS, but it’s funny.

In an interview with CNN Money, he was asked if he owns an iPod. He replied:
“No, I do not. Nor do my children. My children,in many dimensions they’re as poorly behaved as many other children, but at least on this dimension I’ve got my kids brainwashed: You don’t use Google, and you don’t use an iPod.”

  1. DHC says:

    I think that should be considered child abuse….Or at least inhumane treatment, can you imagine all the useless hours trying to find information without google and setting up crappy MP3 players?

  2. Jonesy says:

    Balmer is a bafoon. But really people. We all know that without MS around, Apple would not have the room to shine. Apple relies on MS’s failures and bland products to showcase their own vast creativity. If MS was gone, Apple would eventually be in the same boat as MS. Apple might even slow down the creative competion if MS dropped out of the race. Also if Apple was the center of the public’s eye, it would lose the charisma it has with it’s market. It’s always easier to look better when your the underdog with nothing to lose. Let’s hope for everyone’s sake, MS does not screw this one up completely and mess up this good thing we all are currently able to enjoy. Which is a comptetive, driving and innovative time from two of histories most influential technological companies.

  3. Fábio C. Martins says:

    Maybe his children use the Google killer announced two times, so many months ago and never released to the public.

  4. jasontheodd says:

    What dimension are his kids from exactly???

  5. gquaglia says:

    Ballmer should worry less about Google and worry more about his own company and maybe his job.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    What a bunch of sorry people. Can’t you find anything else to whine about?

    The guy is President of MicroSoft. For those who don’t realize it, M$ is the world’s largest software company, dwarfing the next few combined. I could understand the kids, and Balmer himself, using software from other companies if M$ didn’t make something comparable, such as PDFs or music synthesis. That, however, is not the case.

    The iPod is not the only portable music player on the market. Arguably the better and definitely the most common, but not the only. MS also has a very good internet, intranet, and desktop search engines. Arguably not as good as Google, to some, but still a good search engine and superior in some respects.

    Could you imagine if it got out that the President of the company’s own kids used products from a competitor? Even if they did use other software, he better deny it, just for his own public image. Would you buy from a company where their employees and families use competitors products? Heck, the “older” crowd will remember that 25 years ago the US auto makers banned imports from their parking lots.

  7. Mick Dermitt says:

    Microsoft is competing with itself.
    That’s what a monopoly does.
    I guess Microsoft could say that
    Dvorak is competing with himself
    with this blog. Dvorak isn’t a
    monopolist though. The nearest
    thing to a monopoly here is the
    advertising. Open a cold beer.
    Pick your brew. There are many.
    Trouble is brewing and they aren’t
    going to take it anymore. Put a lime
    in the bottle.

  8. Dave Brown says:

    Two items ago, people were criticizing parents for not controlling their son, who crawled into a toy claw machine and now here is a parent exercising some control over his kids and he gets criticized for that! Parents can’t win.

  9. Improbus says:

    Sounds like his kids are well on their way to being as ignorant as he is. Good job parenting dude. You made some mini-mes.

  10. framitz says:

    So, he brainwashes his own children..

    I always felt that education and educated freedom of choice worked better. My kids all turned out fine with education. No need for brainwashing.

  11. James Hill says:

    Once someone buys into their own BS it’s time to go.

    It’s Balmer’s time.

  12. site admin says:

    Cripes. Everyone knows as well as I do that kids are kids and they probably use Google no matter what Dad says.

  13. Mike Drips says:

    Are they at least allowed to cruise porn sites?

  14. dD says:

    … and you don’t use Sony, you don’t use Nintendo, you don’t use Yahoo!, you don’t use AOL, you don’t use Skype, you don’t use Friendster, you don’t use Plaxo, you don’t use Mapquest, you don’t use Firefox, you don’t use Apache based websites, you don’t use Nokia’s (Symbian), you don’t use Palm (unless it runs on MS), you don’t use Siemens, you don’t use Tivo, you don’t use Snapstream, you don’t use Apple, ever, and you certainly don’t use Linux. Oh and you don’t use Daddies car either.

  15. JSFORBES says:

    I wasn’t allowed to drink pepsi products as the son of a coke employee… Not that pepsi products are worth drinking…

  16. Enad Buggeddin says:


    And like kids, if you say they’re not allowed to do something, they’ll most likely do it just out of spite.


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