April Fools, right?

Scarlett Johansson Officially Sexiest Woman In The World — This has got to be irksome to every other woman in Hollywood.

Scarlett Johansson has been voted number one sexiest woman in the whole world by readers of FHM magazine. Actress With The Longest Run Of Disappointing Films, possibly – but sexiest woman?

Still, who are we to argue with the readers of FHM magazine? If they say that Scarlett Johansson is the world’s sexiest woman, then Scarlett Johansson is the world’s sexiest woman. If only we could shake the feeling that FHM readers would have voted for a gorilla in a tutu and a top hat if it had big enough boobs…

  1. Dug says:

    So you found an unflattering photo of Miss Johansson to run, how small of you. Don’t thinks she’s sexy? Guess you didn’t see The Island.

  2. gamabunta says:

    That pic doesn’t do her justice. But then again, what do I know? I only gawk at women 24/7!

  3. BB says:

    I find her sexy. But the sexiest? No, not by a long shot.

  4. Paul says:

    Watch Lost in Translation… then The Island… Scarlett is gorgeous!

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    She’s certainly a lot sexier than those silicone-stuffed mammary monsters whose top-heavy grotesqueness has appeared on these pages over the last week.

  6. Andy says:

    At my age, most of them are sexy now.

  7. A Badger says:

    Its a mighty big call, and a truly banal one…

  8. SN says:

    I don’t understand Heckler Spray’s complaint?! Does she have a gorgeous face? Yes. Great ass? Yes (Anyone who’s seen the intro to Lost in Translation can attest to that!) Does she have a great rack? Yes. Great legs? Yes.

    So what the fruck is the problem?!

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    …silicone-stuffed mammary monsters whose top-heavy grotesqueness …

    Also known as Eye Candy for us older gents.

  10. James Hill says:

    She’s hot, but the casper-the-ghost skin tone in Vanity Fair was a turn-off.

  11. david says:

    To me, sexy means ‘exuding sex’. I don’t feel like I want to have sex with her when I see her in picture (still, and moving).

    Sexy? I would say Angelina Jolie.

  12. Mike Drips says:

    She did not make my “Top Ten List of Women I Would Spend 30 Minutes in a Sleeping Bag With”. Heck she isn’t even in the top 20.

  13. C0D3R says:

    How icky must a woman feel to be *anything* by FHM. I’m sure Scarlett Johansson must feel the need for a shower right now. (Insert momet of silence here for the visual.)


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