Exactly who are we supposed to be protecting this time?

Denise Grier says … last June, she affixed a sentiment (“I’m Tired of All the Bush–”) to her right rear bumper.

“With the performance of Bush, I feel like, you know, he’s not done what he was elected to do. I don’t feel like he’s telling us the truth, and those are my personal feelings,” Grier said.

On March 10, she was pulled over by a DeKalb police officer.

“He said, ‘do you know why I stopped you?’ And I said, ‘no I have no idea.’ And he said, ‘you have a lewd decal on your car.’ And I said, ‘I do?’ My first thought was one of my children had put something obscene or filthy on my car,” said Grier.

The officer said the offending bumper sticker violated a law against lewd, obscene and vulgar vehicle decals.

The American Civil Liberties Union points to action by the Georgia Supreme Court 15 years ago that overturned that law.

“A law, such as lewd bumper stickers is unenforceable. What’s lewd to one person is not lewd to another. And it allows officers to end up citing people just because they don’t like the views expressed,” said Gerry Webster of the Georgia ACLU.

Also, from ajc.com:

[Grier] has not removed the bumper sticker in question, or six other mostly politically oriented decals on her car. “I used to think that one person could not make a difference,” said Grier. “Now I’m beginning to think one person can, and should. We shouldn’t be afraid to stand up for what we believe in.”

  1. Geoff says:

    Where can I get this bumper sticker for my car? 🙂

  2. SN says:

    You can buy the

  3. More egg on our Georgian faces…

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Gee – a cop violated her civil rights.

    What a suprise!

  5. site admin says:

    When I was in switzerland a couple of years ago this BUSHIT creation was a form of grafitti and put everywhere. We’re just catching up to it now.

  6. Improbus says:

    You go girl! Stick it to the man!

  7. JSFORBES says:

    If she were in ATL this never would have happened…

  8. Badle says:

    Ahh one more retarded action by my home state and county. I was pulled over once for a “Suspicious Liscense Plate”. Harrassment is just another ignored cop perk in certain areas of the country.

    I do find it funny how some people like to throw blanket descriptions of their political views out on their vehicles. Great to live in a country where you can see “Honk if you dig fat chicks” and “F, The President” parked right next to each other.

  9. Roc Rizzo says:

    Geeze, they should see some of the “lewd” stickers I have on my car!

    They probably would have thrown me in jail for the “DARE to think for yourself” sticker, which looks like one of those anti-drug stickers. And then what of the “Visualize Impeachment,” or “Dubya, pull out, like your father should have,” or “So you think what Clinton did deserved impeachment? What about Bush”

    I probably would have been thrown in the slammer, car impounded, and them thrown away the key!

  10. Sounds The Alarm says:


    How about “Honk if you dig fat chicks F-ing The President”, for Buba!

  11. Max Exter says:

    How about a decal of some kid urinating on President Bush?

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I will vote Paul – I promise.

  13. Puttanun says:

    Vote for me, I’m running for president.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Best comment yet, but that still doesn’t excuse the ticket for the bumper sticker.

  15. joshua says:

    sounds…..that was the LAST President that dug the fat chicks.

    I agree Paul…best way to show your true feelings.

  16. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I said Buba, not duhbya

  17. david says:

    That police officer is upholding his concept of the law, not the law. Bushit is not a lewd word in any dictionary. Look it up. Just because it contains part of a “bad” word, shit, doesn’t make the whole word bad. I saw a woman walk into a courthouse with a t-shirt with the letters FCUK (designer: French Connection, United Kingdom) on it in bold letters. (Actually, the judge removed her…not sure of this was a good analogy).

  18. Sabine says:

    Just one more sign that the whole Bushism is taking away the very freedom that our forefathers faught so hard to protect.

    Doesn’t the constitution mean anything anymore?

    You know, people in WWII were scared to speak freely, too. Yet, most believed they were free. And as long as this Bush-freak is pres – you can just kiss global efforts to make things better for all good bye!

    What a sad world we live in when we create wars to force other nations to follow our values, with the excuse that we need to protect ourselves from the evil doers. And yet, not a single terrorist was an Iraqi – but we are in Iraq killing people. And hey, have we found Osama yet?

    Where is this fantastic land of opportunities and freedom that the rest of the world looked up to and trusted so much? Was it America?

  19. Sabine says:

    oh, vote – sure! And if that doesn’t work, then I am not allowed to put a political bumper sticker on my car?

    What ever happen to our constitution? What ever happened to the great America that the rest of the world trusted and looked up to? The rest of the world is laughing at us! Other civilized nations have already experienced wars and destruction and censorship. America is apparently moving backwards now, which makes them just about as ridiculous and ignorant as those freaking middle east clowns.

  20. BushFan says:

    Anyone know the telephone/email address of the relevant police department? I want to give them a piece of my mind.


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