Firefox isn’t very good at keeping details between XP accounts separate, causing the account holders in this case to, well, separate.

Just how this particular privacy issue ended up in a relationship breakdown emerges from the bug report. The website designer that submitted the report writes that she had changed her mind when Firefox asked whether it should save the password for her website and dived into Password Manager to change her preference. What she found when she got there were the preferences of her fiancé: a list of dating and swinging websites that he had set to explicitly, and understandably, never save a password for…

“And sh*t hit the fan.”

Steps 1 through 8 detail a Bugzilla report about a Firefox password manager flaw. Step 9 was — “break-up with fiancé!

The bug report and follow-up is pretty good reading, btw.

  1. Improbus says:

    This is why I run all my personal programs and keep all my personal documents in an encrypted USB thumb drive. Duh.

  2. Bill says:

    Well, I guess the obvious is – he shouldn’t have been sticking his floppy in other computers – this is how we get viruses.
    Hope he made some contacts on one of those sites, or he’ll be playing with a lone-hand for a while. Just hope he learns to clean up his tracks with his next girlfriend.

    Never trust computers or software – they are made by humans!!

  3. gquaglia says:

    Thats what laptops are for. Also make sure she doesn’t know about it.

  4. Marty says:

    Damn, read through the bug report and post #24 beat me to the puch. This isn’t really a flaw with firefox, it is really a problem with Microsoft’s inability to create a true multi-user operating system. Not only did the woman find that her boyfriend wasn’t the man she thought he was, she also found that Windows wasn’t the operating system that she thought it was….Big Suprise!

  5. Ascii King says:

    I tried recreating this profile error a couple of different ways, but found I could only duplicate it when I was actually having extra-marital sex.

  6. Bill R. says:

    Ascii. did you get to step 9? 🙂

  7. david says:

    That’s why I left my wife: to pursue beautiful women and have sex with them. Men who do it behind their spouse’s backs are spineless worms.


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