The Browser: Skype in peer-to-peer technology dispute – Mar. 27, 2006 — Watching this should be good for a laugh.

SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0) – StreamCast Networks, the maker of Morpheus file-sharing software, is suing Internet telephone company Skype, claiming that Skype is using peer-to-peer technology that StreamCast says it owns. Skype founders Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis also created the technology behind Kazaa, a popular file-sharing network which had battled over technology licensing with StreamCast in the past. If the allegations are valid, the lawsuit could pose a big threat to Skype, which was acquired by eBay (Research) for $2.6 billion in 2005.

unearthed by Andy Abramson

  1. jasontheodd says:

    If true then O.K. ebay can pay the royalties or whatnot, but I feel there may just be some high hopes that they can pull off the kind of victory that was had over blackberry. That is probably undeserved, but cheaper than a drawn out lawsuit with an unfriendly court.

  2. Sean Chitwood says:

    Umm, ok… where is the Racketeering charge?


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