What? Me Worry?

Christian Situation Stalls — [background story here] OK. Let’s assume that this guy is freed. But first examine an extremist culture that actually has this guy in maximum security prison right now! It’s not as if he’s awaiting trial while hanging out at home.

This is a total no win situation for the US. First of all the fact that this guy was arrested at all for this “crime” with this new (non-Taliban) government in place begs the question: what’s wrong with this picture? Are we saying that we liberated the Afghanis from the Taliban to leave them with a Shar’ia regime? Isn’t that the earmark of the Taliban? How many stonings have been held on our watch? Seriously, the journalists are not asking the right questions about all this.

A court on Sunday dismissed the case against an Afghan man facing possible execution for converting from Islam to Christianity, officials said, paving the way for his release.

The move eased pressure from the West but raised the dilemma of protecting Abdul Rahman after his release as Islamic clerics have called for him to be killed.

One official said freedom might come as soon as Monday for Rahman, who became a Christian in the 1990s while working for an aid group in neighboring Pakistan.

Now if you really want to read about persecution examine the attacks on a Muslim sect known as the Ahmadiyya. The most fundamental Muslims are Sunni and they hate the Shi’ite’s and even more so the Sufi. But everyone seems to dislike these Ahmadiyya. And by that, I mean to a bizzarre extreme. Read here. Then Google it. Here is intolerance to the max. Check out the Pakistani laws against this group.

The hatred of this Muslim sect to this extreme really makes you wonder about the supposed history of tolerance that Islam promoters manage to project. From a Western perspective this cult/sect is not that weird. But then again I’ve never fully understood how the People’s Republic of China find the crackpot Falun Gong that dangerous.

related link:
Ahmadiyya website

  1. stalinvlad says:

    I thought that “tolerant Islam ” was code?

  2. Golfer says:

    “He should be stoned to death,” said Sayed Saber, 32, a construction worker. The U.S. goes in and creates a whole new political order and forgot to collect all the sticks and stones from guys like this Saber.
    The place doesn’t even have a decent golf hole yet! Maybe if we send them $2 billion worth of new clubs and balls they will drop the sticks and stones.

  3. SB says:

    The same happens everyday in pretty much every country with a Muslim majority; once you’re in – by choice or by birth – you can almost never leave in one piece!

    The interesting thing is how the new Afghany regime wants to please everyone: paint the guy as a mental case and put him in an institution; a few months of drugs and electric shock “therapy” and he’ll be certified for sure…

    Sad, quite effective, and unfortunately very common.

  4. Simon says:

    Bottom line on this one is that Afghanistan is a Democracy except when it is not! That is the CONSTITUTION says that if Sharia law says something – it goes. And in the “most tollerant” of religions, if you convert away from it – they kill you.

    Ahh the wonderful world of interpretive religion!

    Lets just say “This ain’t your mama’s democracy!”

  5. James says:

    Yeah, it would seem strange that the U.S. tried to oust a radical extremist government only to have one that goes by shari’a left in it’s place, but you gotta realize that the Taliban couldn’t have exercised that kind of religious authority without a pretty overwhelming support form the public. Face it, the country of Afghanistan is made up mostly of people who believe in shari’a law, or at least to the extent that they can bear to live under it. I mean, our official allies the Saudis live under shari’a law; it’s the foundation of their constitution… that and the succession of Saud descendants to the throne in perpetuity.

    As for Muslims persecuting the Ahmadiyya sect that’s just because the Ahmadiyya claim their founder was the second coming of the messiah (yes, the Muslims believe in Jesus too, sorta). That definitely gets you in trouble in places where religion is serious business.

    The only reason we don’t have quite the same level of trouble here in the U.S. is because it’s still, technically, a secular society that has religious people taking part. As long as it stays at that there’s some hope of us tolerating each other, even if we hate each other and say so every day (tolerance and love are two very different things.)

    What scares me is that, I’m deeply convicted about my beliefs in God, and those beliefs are what lead me to think that allowing theocratic power into the hands of mere men is a deeply troubling thing.

    Now, censor away 😉

  6. J.S. Scongilli says:

    It looks like the UN and the U.S. are working to get Rahman asylum in another country, probably America. Which should be good because even his own family hates him.

  7. The Aussie says:

    Hmmmmmm .. have you checked out what Google ads pop up when you get to this thread?

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  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK aussie, how things change.
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  9. The Aussie says:

    And thin-skinned Muslims wonder why Westerners think they are ridiculous. Read on for the latest (irrational) installment:


    Divorced while asleep

    New Delhi
    March 27, 2006 – 5:24PM

    A Muslim couple in India have been told by local Islamic leaders they must separate after the husband “divorced” his wife in his sleep, the Press Trust of India reported.

    Sohela Ansari told friends that her husband Aftab had uttered the word “talaq”, or divorce, three times in his sleep, according to the report published in newspapers today.

    When local Islamic leaders got to hear, they said Aftab’s words constituted a divorce under an Islamic procedure known as “triple talaq”. The couple, married for 11 years with three children, were told they had to split.

    The religious leaders ruled that if the couple wanted to remarry they would have to wait at least 100 days. Sohela would also have to spend a night with another man and be divorced by him in turn.

    The couple, who live in the eastern state of West Bengal, have refused to obey the order and the issue has been referred to a local family counselling centre.

    India’s minority Muslim population is governed by Islamic personal laws on issues such as marriage, divorce and property inheritance.

    “This is a totally unnecessary controversy and the local ‘community leaders’ or whosoever has said it are totally ignorant of Islamic law,” said Zafarul-Islam Khan, an Islamic scholar and editor of The Milli Gazette, a popular Muslim newspaper.

    “The law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect. The case of someone uttering something while asleep falls under this category and will have no impact whatsoever,” Mr Khan said.


  10. Milo says:

    I don’t agree with everything this guy writes but he makes you think.

    “The tragedy of Abdul Rahman also is the tragedy of Western religion. Islam differs radically from Christianity, in that the Christian god is a lover who demands love in return, whereas the Muslim god is a sovereign who demands the fulfillment of duty. Christian prayer is communion, an act of love incomprehensible to Muslims; Muslim worship is an act of submission, the repetition of a few lines of text to accompany physical expression of self-subjugation to the sovereign. The People of Christ are pilgrims en route to the next world; the People of Allah are soldiers in this one. Contrary to all the ink spilled and trees murdered to produce the tomes of Karen Armstrong and John Esposito, Christianity and Islam call forth different peoples to serve different gods for different reasons.”


  11. John Calvin says:

    Abdul Rahman is in assylum in Italy. The task at hand is to keep him in seclusion as radical Muslims will have a price on his head. The fact that Mr. Rahman was not killed in Afghanistan is bordering on miraculus. Tolerance of other faiths is unknown in Afghanistan over the past 40 years. Mr. Rahman’s release is cause for joy for those of us who believe in human rights.

    For those who can’t understand how a democracy can be so totalitarian in its actions and laws… you seem to misunderstand democracy. Simply put… democracy is the dictatorship of the masses. The group with the biggest stick controls the parliment and therefore if radicals make up the biggest group they will rule the country, even in a democracy. For historical reference I point you to the German’s who “voted in” Hitler and the Nazi party during the 1930’s. For all the propaganda being flung around regarding democracies it does not guarantee a tolerant and peaceful regime. It only guarantees that the majority in the country will have power over the minority. Sorry to burst your bubbles.


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