“>Outsourcing of priests gaining momentum. Now flocks of priests are ready to help overcome priest shortages. This might make the new Pope’s job a bit easy!

Scarcity of priests and declining number of believers across Catholic churches in Europe, United States and Latin America has left these churches looking for priests from India to run their parishes.

Does anyone understand the concpet of “spread too thin?”

  1. Mike says:

    Talk about higher-value BPO services.

  2. This has been happening for years. I’d say 25% of a ll priests in my area are foreign.

  3. Scott Sewell says:

    How about that logo? – That probably doesn’t sit well with the Joan of Arc fan-club.

  4. jasontheodd says:

    So long as they get men who don’t continue the child molestation spree the can get them from any damn where they want. I stopped counting at forty priests from my state getting brought up on charges. If the Indian priests actually live what they preach then, truly, God bless ’em and tell them to call back for more.

  5. RTaylor says:

    Ireland use to be a major exporter of Priests. Every large family would encourage one son to enter the Priesthood. The church will probably be forced to ordain women within the next century for this reason alone.

  6. Don says:

    RTaylor: Or, possibly, start allowing priests to marry. Celibacy is a burden to heavy for most men to carry (which leads back to Jason’s post).

  7. Eideard says:

    Don — just for historic accuracy — let priests marry, once again. It used to be the norm within the various flavors of the RC church. In fact, there were married popes. And some who just had bimbos on the side.

  8. Improbus says:

    There are those that believe that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. If marriage is good enough for the Savior it should to be good enough for the clergy. This message brought to you by a helpful agnostic.

  9. david says:

    The new priests I see are foreigners from 3rd world countries. It has to be that way. NO intelligent person who has grown to a level of consciousness where he can REASON would possibly promote a consciousness that is below reason. Religion is below Reason. Religion has brought us crusades and rich churches. Reason has brought us constitutions and rich countries. Priests are wanna-bees who can’t hack it in the real world so they assume power by putting on a cloak and the cross as their dagger. This past weekend I was best man for a church wedding. When the ceremony was over and the bride and groom, and the bridesmaid and me were leaving the alter I noticed the priest leer at the twenty-year-old gorgeous bridesmaid with a look of lust that was undeniable. He is only a man. Nothing more, and much less.


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