Artificial Gravity Generator Now Possible?: Science Fiction in the News

An artificial gravity generator is probably the science-fictional pseudo-science device most disliked by physicists. Used as a plot device as early as 1930 by Olaf Stapleton, artificially-produced gravity fields make space flight a lot easier and more bearable for everyone. But it’s impossible, right?

Recent work done by researchers supported by the European Space Agency have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic field for the first time in a laboratory. Martin Tajmar (ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH, Austria), Clovis de Matos (ESA-HQ, Paris) and colleagues have successfully produced and measured a very weak gravitomagnetic field.

Can anti-gravity be far behind?

  1. gquaglia says:

    Would solve one of the biggest obstacals to long term space fight

  2. Golfer says:

    Can anti-gravity be far behind?
    It would make a heck of a golfball.
    You could drive balls to the moon.
    Putting would be a big problem.

  3. Alex says:

    Now all we need are inertial dampeners.

  4. Angel h.Wong says:

    And if antigravity were created…

    The Kama sutra would need a huge rewritte!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Can anti-gravity be far behind?

    Sure will. It’ll wait until we solve the problems of cancer, hunger, world peace, and the oil shortage.

  6. Charles says:

    Anti-Gravity will come before any of the problems of cancer, Hunger, world peace, and oil shortages. The issue is money. can they make money on anti-gravity, yes, a cure for cancer? Very little compared to what they get now for drugs to extend your life and thousands of researchers all looking for the same answer, Hunger? Biotech is making a fortune right now with high yield wheat crops which the coutries that need it can’t afford. etc… you get the point…. so lets just all float around it will be fun a profitable.

  7. david says:

    Gravity is the secret awaiting us. Only a scientist with High Consciousness (in the range of 8 to 9, and 10–on a ten scale) will be able to reveal it. But therein lies the problem, scientists by their very nature are in the 5 to 7 range. Einstein was in the 8 range.

    Gravity is the darkness of which light emanates. If the Sun suddenly dissappeared, we would not experience the lack of sunlight for 8 minutes. But, the gravitational effect lost by the vanishing of its weight would be felt instaneously. Darkness moves infinately faster than the speed of light.

    Gravity is the key. Gravity and Light are equivalent. One equation will be able to explain all of it. Einstein worked all his remaining life after his famous publications to get to it.

    Heaven help us. E=mC2 brought us the atomic bomb. Anti-gravity, we are not ready for.

  8. Puttanun says:

    I agree with david, it would be probably used for military purposes, with horrible consequences. We are not ready for such important discovery.

  9. Me says:

    All technology research is good. Technology solves all the other problems. Never move backward, never cut back – only move forward. That’s being truly “progressive”.

  10. Bruce IV says:

    I’ll believe anti-grav when I see it in my neighborhood – that and cold fusion …

  11. Daniel says:

    Alex says:

    Now all we need are inertial dampeners.

    If we could produce an artificial gravity field, just create a strong enough gravity field in opposition to the inertial direction and the inertia shouldn’t be felt.


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