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  1. LuĂ­s Camacho says:

    Holy sh*t! That’s way too much LEGOs… Damn!

  2. jasontheodd says:

    cool….but seems time consuming. In a “I don’t have a girlfriend” kinda way.

  3. Karl VIklund says:

    Haha realy nice! 🙂
    Best I have seen in LEGO for a long time. N1dvorak!

  4. WTL says:

    I can imagine that too one heck of a long time to do. But I bet it was fun…

  5. joshua says:

    very cool…..good design for a real stadium.

    I think Jason it’s more of a ….*I don’t have a life* kind of thing……

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    jason and joshua

    Are they not mutually inclusive? BTW, either works for me. Amazing job though.


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