May want to rethink getting one of those

Testicles May Provide A Better Kind Of Stem Cell

Men may be carrying in their testicles an almost limitless supply of spare part cells for treating disease and injury, research has suggested.

Scientists in Germany have successfully isolated a new kind of stem cell from the testes of adult mice that can grow into a full range of tissue types, offering a possible alternative to embryonic stem (ES) cells for medical therapies.

If the findings are repeated in people, it could become possible to harvest the cells from testicles and grow them into specialised tissues for treating conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and paralysis.

As the cells would come from the patient’s own body, they would be a precise genetic match and would not risk rejection. This source of tissue would thus remove any need for therapeutic cloning.

The study will be published next week in Nature.

For an R-rated Joke Of The Day that is more or less related, click on


Two men are in the doctor’s office waiting to get vasectomies.

A nurse comes in and asks the men to strip and put on their medical gowns while they wait for the doctor.

A few minutes later she comes back, reaches under one man’s gown and begins to masturbate him.

Shocked, he says, “What the hell are you doing?” To which she replies, “We have to vacate the sperm from your system to have a clean procedure.”

Not wanting to cause a problem, the man relaxes and enjoys it as she completes her task.

The second man watches all of this and by the time the nurse turns to him, he is quite ready for his turn.

To his surprise, she drops to her knees, opens her lips and begins to give him a blow job.

The first man says, “Hey, what is this? Why is it that I get a hand job and he gets a blow job?”

The nurse says, “That, my dear sir, is the difference between Medicare and private insurance.”

  1. jasontheodd says:

    It all depends on the extraction……….

  2. Mike Voice says:

    As the cells would come from the patient’s own body,

    If the patient is male…

    A reason for women to have “testes envy”? 🙂

  3. gquaglia says:

    And to think, I’ve been wasting this precious flulid all these years 😉

  4. Jeremy says:

    watch out – spilling your “seed” is a sin – how will bushy fix this one

  5. Improbus says:

    I wonder what the religious conservatives will come up with now to get in the way of stem cell research. Life begins at sperm creation? Frak’n kooks.

  6. 2xBob says:

    Wooo, My day has been made. I truly was laughing out loud. Im just wondering what’s the “extraction”

  7. joshua says:

    Not with my balls you don’t.

    The next big slogan for anti-stem cell/life giving fluid rally.

  8. Some how all this screwing around with balls scares the stuffing out of me.

    An old Jewish man was dying in the hospital. His family – wife, children, grandchildren – came to see him, but only one was allowed in the room at a time. Grandson Ben went in first.

    “Hello, Grampa Moishe. Can I do something for you?”

    “Yes,” said Grampa Moishe. Go tell Gramma Sadie I want some of her delicious chopped liver that she made yesterday.

    Ben went out and told Gramma Sadie, who said, “Go tell Grampa Moishe he can’t have any chopped liver.It would kill him.”

    Ben went back in and reported what she’d said.

    “You tell Gramma Sadie I want the chopped liver. I’m dying anyway and it won’t make any difference.”

    Ben went and told Gramma Sadie, who said, “Go tell Grampa Moishe he can’t have any. The chopped liver is for the shiva.”


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