Associated Press – March 24, 2006:

As debate over the issue flares in several states, a major adoption institute says in a new report that it strongly supports the rights of gays and lesbians to adopt, and urges that remaining obstacles be removed.

“Laws and policies that preclude adoption by gay or lesbian parents disadvantage the tens of thousands of children mired in the foster care system who need permanent, loving homes,” the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute says in the report to be issued Friday.

It advises agencies and officials to make firm statements in support of such adoptions, forsaking a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach which prompts some gays to feel their chances of adopting hinge on being discreet about their sexual orientation.

Adoption agencies should energetically recruit gays and lesbians, including them in outreach programs and parenting panels, the institute said.

  1. Tod says:

    About time!!!

    Straights have screwed-up enough kids… lets give the gay a chance!

    While we’re at it,
    Men have screwed-up the government enough, lets give women the chance, too!

  2. K Ballweg says:

    Anticipate the fundimentalist homophobes to weigh in with their carefull compartmentalized fury: “It’s all part of the gay agenda to take innocent kids and place them into these homes that are totally infected with gay making germs as a way to turn us all gay.”

    Fatuaous idiots. Let’s see as I understand their agenda: we must support anti-abortion, but then take no responsibility for the unwanted children, because that would cost tax dollars that the poor don’t deserve, and we must oppose options for these children to actually have families, so we can be sure they will grow up to be so damaged that they will rely on the only two cheaply accessible pleasures (sex and drugs) to assure that we will can continue the cycle that allows us to feel sanctimonious, and allows us to have lots of criminals to put in expensive prisions that we will gladly tax the working class to pay for…….

    Sigh, how very christian.

  3. Jeremy says:

    what could be better for the child than two doating parents?

  4. James Hill says:

    This will work as long as it’s sold as “two parents are better than none“.

    However, as soon as it’s sold as “two homosexual parents are equal to two hetrosexual parents” there will be pushback.

  5. Jeremy says:

    The push back will be in the fact that the straight couple can’t keep up with the gay ones.

  6. 2xBob says:

    Hmmmm, this gets the bob seal of aproval. In straight couples the choice is between adoption or sex and Im going to err that sex wins more often than not. With homosexual couple that want kids there is only one choice and thats adoption.

  7. Harold says:

    With the climbing percentage of failing (hetero) marriages, it seems to me that gay couples, who stick together in spite of circumstances and hardships, might make better parents than average. The most likely course of action would be, of course, to never allow them to adopt.

  8. joshua says:

    Gay households also have, on average, more disposable income, so the kids would benifit greatly because Dad and Dad can spend more on them.

    But, love is love, and it’s what these kids(and so do many in str8 households) need.

    But, I wouldn’t count on this in Kansas or Alabama anytime soon.

  9. Greg V. says:

    Well, I think gay couples tend to have more disposable income BECAUSE they don’t have children.

    But anyway, I think I read somewhere else that gay couples are more likely to adopt the special needs children as well, so even better.

  10. GregAllen says:

    Has there been any serious objectrives studies regarding gay couples and kids?

    It seems like this debate is rages alot but based only in the “cultural wars.”

    I assume there have been hundreds of thousands of kids raised by gay couples. Surely someone can objectively determine how they’ve turned out.

    Shouldn’t THAT be the starting point of this debate?

  11. AB CD says:

    This study was funded by the Human Rights Campaign. Clearly it must be biased.


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