OK, OK. Pravda is not exactly the NY Times. But suppose the author is right? Where are all of these women? Pleeese tell me!

(Why do I get the feeling John will unleash another “cripes” assault on this story?)

Women rape men when they have no one to have sex with

Mary Kay Leturno, 34, a secondary school teacher from Washington, the daughter of a family relations advocate and an ultra-conservative deputy representing California, the divorced woman having two children was sentenced to seven years in prison. Why? The prosecution states that the woman seduced a male student from Samoa who was 21 years younger than she. But the woman insists that she fell in love with the young man and he returned her feelings.

In most stories of the sort it is not the pedophilia issue that actually matters. They are all about women’s unmet needs. Women may easily cast prudence to the winds when receiving not enough care from husbands or after they break up with partners. Feeling absolutely abandoned these women either drop in sex shops or seek Internet acquaintances with students or teenagers.

Some people, especially women may actually go off the rails because of sex problems.

What is the way to solve the problem and save the situation? Not long ago, former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss said she would open a ranch in Nevada, a brothel to offer services to women for $250 an hour. She will call it “Heidi’s Stud Farm.”

“Women are more independent these days; they make more money and it’s hard to meet people,” Fleiss said. “You wouldn’t believe the number of women who’ve told me, ‘Heidi, if you do this, I’ll be the first one in line!’ I mean, relationships are harder than dieting, you know what I mean?”

  1. Brenda Helverson says:

    As an aside, Mary Kay LeTourneau (proper spelling) and Vili Foolau are happily married and living a peaceful existence on the shores of Puget Sound.

  2. Thomas says:

    Last I checked, you can’t rape the willing. For a women to rape a man, he most definitely has to be willing on some level. So, IMO, this whole case should have been thrown out.

  3. John Wofford says:

    I’d like to meet one of these really independent, well heeled and real busy women. I’d be her stay at home house husband, and manage the maid servant staff.

  4. malren says:

    “Last I checked, you can’t rape the willing. For a women to rape a man, he most definitely has to be willing on some level. So, IMO, this whole case should have been thrown out. ”

    My god you’re ignorant.

  5. SN says:

    Dave, you couldn’t find a hot big-breasted russian chick for the picture?! Did I miss a memo?

  6. Dave Drews says:

    This is her sister.

  7. joshua says:

    Last I heard Pravda was nothing more than a bad version of our tabloids…..

  8. GregAllen says:

    >>We have to remember there is a big difference between a 55 year old decrepit old shop class teacher having sex with a 14 year old girl and and 20 something hottie having sex with a 16 year old boy. The difference is that the boy really wants it.

    There are WAY more differences than that.

    The biggest, in my mind, is the huge psychological difference between a young female teacher and an early-teen boy.

    the disparity is so huge that ust about any attractive (or even not-so-attractive) female teacher could emotionally manipulate a teen boy and make him do things that are not good for him.

    This is true for handsome young male teachers and vulnerable early-teen girls, too.

    This is only one point in a long list of reason why sex between teachers and students should have severe penalties.

    Both scenarios fulfill our early adolescent fantasies (which most of us STILL enjoy as fantasy) but the REALITY of it should not be tolerated because it severly hurts our children.

    There is another scenario that is pretty common: gay teachers having affairs with “willing” boys.

    I’ve talked to a few victims of these cases and I learned that it really messed up the sexual identity of the boy even though he was — seemingly — willing at the time. Probably the gay teacher thought he was helping a young gay man discover his true sexuality when, in reality, he was shaping it in ways that caused a lifetime of confliction. (As a “lib” this is a little un-PC for me to say but it is my honest observation.)

  9. Thomas, You can’t rape a willing adult However this is a under age underdeveloped, emotionaly, and physically boy.

    What the woman did was rape and it never should have happened!

    If it was a man that did this his roomy bubba would be calling him sugar.

    She should have posted an ad in j-date http://www.jdate.com and used the pocket rocket out from under the bed and left the kid alone.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    That woman must be so ugly that a teenage declared that she raped him. Come on guys, in yer teens you’d be in heaven if you’ve gotten some.

  11. Thomas says:

    Richard Brill,

    My whole point is that you *can’t* compare this situation to one where the man is the perpetrator. A man raping a boy or a man raping a girl are both worlds of difference than a woman raping a boy. Now, that said, given that this happened to a 13 year old boy I have no doubt that the experience was psychologically traumatic (but certainly not as traumatic were the perpetrator male). Clearly, this woman should be imprisoned and should receive therapy. If it were my son, I would obviously be livid.

  12. BL says:

    When I was an adolescent, I knew adolescent boys that had consensual sex with adolescent girls which (I think) screwed up the girls minds to a lesser or greater extent (each case was different). Sex can be an unintended or intended weapon, regardless of how many years apart the participants are.

    In a healthy society, fewer people would be sexually obsessed, but many are lonely and afraid, and sex provides some kind of band aid.


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