Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement – The Boston Globe — You have to wonder if this guy decided to NOT step down as President after the next Presidential election if anyone would just say OK.

WASHINGTON — When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act’s expanded police powers.

found by Rick Steinmetz

  1. Greg V. says:

    Actually Clinton was in the 60s during the Lewinski ordeal. Bush is in the 30s now.

    I continue to be disappointed in the Democrats’ willingness to go at him forcefully on this. They’re still afraid of being called weak on national security. I realize they don’t hold a branch of government, but they can still mount an assault on the airwaves at the very least. Tell people why this is wrong, damn it! If you can’t challenge him NOW, when his approval is in the toilet, what good are you? What could you possibly be waiting for?

    I continue to be impressed with Russ Feingold, though, for bucking his party and charging ahead anyway, even though censure isn’t ultimately that big a deal. You know, the whole reason Dean got as big as he did was because he was a fighter when we had none. While everyone else was trying to sidle up to Bush, he challenged him forcefully and unapologetically. Though things are a little better now (Reid is 20x better than Daschle was) Russ is the only one showing this leadership. I hope it pays off for him, and I hope it rubs off on the party the same way Dean did, at least for a while.

    The Democrats have a realistic (though unknown if probable) chance of taking back the House this year. If they get that, and with it the most important thing that comes with it, supeona power, the shit better hit the fan. Pelosi isn’t my choice for this sort of thing, she has numerous worrying issues, but here’s to hope.

  2. Me says:

    thomas, I agree completely. I’ve never said I was infavor of everything Bush is doing, only that he’s universes better than anything the Dems seem to have to offer.

    Gore belongs in a padded room and Kerry should be tried for treason. Hillary is the antichrist and none of them have any more integrity than Mr. Chappaquiddick.

  3. Sounds The Alarm says:

    “re 38, gore is a very intelligent, passionate guy who got screwed out of the presidency on what essentially amounts to a coin toss.”

    I think thats screwed by Brother Bush.

  4. Me says:

    Kerry and Jane Fonda should have been tossed overboard a long time ago.I would trust what the Swift Boat Vets have to say over Kerry. That’s probably where we part ways.

    Gore may be smart, but he was nuts long before he ever thought of running for President. Read the crackpot crap in his book “Earth in Balance”. He pretty much wants to destroy the most important parts of what makes America the best place to live.

  5. Sean says:

    I’m not a supporter nor detractor, but I must point out that most of the people I’ve met who refer to Bush as a bumbling idiot usually accuse him of one of the greatest conspiracies of all time in the next breath. Make up your minds.

    At any rate, I think the real problem in this country is that out of 300 million citizens………Bush and Kerry were the two guys we came up with?


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