Associated Press – March 22, 2006:

A millionaire jailed for more than a decade for contempt in his divorce case continues to block efforts to trace his missing assets and should remain jailed, a three-judge panel ruled.

H. Beatty Chadwick, 68, is believed to hold the record for time served in a U.S. civil contempt case.

He was jailed in 1995 for allegedly hiding $2.5 million in overseas banks during a bitter divorce. Since then, a series of judges have told him he could go free once he tells the court what happened to the money, but Chadwick hasn’t budged, the judges said.

I remember reading about this guy way back when I was in law school in the 90s. I’ve got to give the guy credit for determination.

  1. GregAllen says:

    It’s hard to imagine why any woman would divorce such a generous and easy-going guy!

  2. gquaglia says:

    What an asshole. The guy is now 68, how much longer does he really think he will live. All his hidden millions won’t do much good after he is in the box.

  3. SN says:

    gquaglia, it has nothing to do with keeping the money for himself. It’s entirely about keeping it from his wife!

  4. Alex says:

    Maybe being in jail is better than being with his ex-wife.

  5. david says:

    This really goes to show that there is no judge higher than one’s own internal judge.

    The man trusts himself. He is God.

  6. gquaglia says:

    “it has nothing to do with keeping the money for himself. It’s entirely about keeping it from his wife!”

    Whatever, not worth dying in jail.

  7. SN says:

    “Whatever, not worth dying in jail.”

    You don’t know his wife. It might be worth it.

  8. Improbus says:

    This guy is a fool. I hope he never reproduced.

  9. Les says:

    John, I didn’t know that you had attended law school. Are you a lawyer in addition to everything else?

  10. Locke says:

    ….Wait… If they don’t know where the money is….How do they know it exists?

  11. Me says:

    I’ve got it, and I’m not telling where I put it.

  12. JHS says:

    Interesting. However, there are judges that are letting rapist and child molesters off with a little counseling and 6-12 months. I wonder which is a greater danger to society.

  13. SN says:

    “I wonder which is a greater danger to society.”

    He’s not locked up because he’s a danger, he’d locked up because he refuses to follow a judge’s order.

    If I were the judge I’d simply rule for the wife and order a judgment in her favor. All the guy’s doing is refusing to prove his side of the case. And when that happens, a default should be entered.

    My guess is that he really pissed off the judge. Which is never a good thing, as we can plainly see.

  14. Steve S says:

    I don’t know… Keeping a man in jail for 10 years simply because he is refusing to talk seems like a violation of his 5th amendment rights. Something just doesn’t seem right about this.


  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’m not a lawyer (as SN knows) but this sure sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to me. To quote the second last line in the article:

    He said that lawyers for Chadwick’s ex-wife, painter Barbara Jean “Bobbie” Chadwick, did not rebut their expert testimony.

  16. KB says:

    I’ve been meaning to ask, SN, is the pic for this post an attempt to satisfy the recent request by AM for some masculine pics? 🙂

  17. Mike Cannali says:

    Sure John got a law degree. That’s him in the picture, as a judge, ruling in the Microsoft vrs The Universe case.

  18. LMAO!. Well I guess we give 10 years to millionares but child molestors get parol (look at current child molesting cases).

    We need to start fucking punishing people who actually cause bodily harm and stop giving solitary confinement to people like Kevin Mitnick.

    We have more non violent “offenders” in america than anyone else. America has too many rules and we have more violence , drunk driving and more than anyone else.

    Europe has a 18 drinking age and they seem fine. =P

  19. Lesa Dyer Kitching says:

    Mr. Beatty Chadwick “Is A Man Without A Country,” his life got destroyed the day he got married to his former wife Barbara Jean
    Crowther Chadwick Applegate Fraser…Wow long name ha? See Applegate is her AKA name because she is an artist in mid-coast Maine. At her website she has all the places where her art is displayed, the prizes she has won and the college she went to..back in the 1960’s. Oh forgot to mention a couple of things, the art she claims that is hanging for displays in different places thoughout the world has a little blotch on her art stories. First Applegate tells a story how she was born and grew up in Bucks County. Bucks County is a well-known artist colony…shame! shame! Ms. Applegate you grew up and lived 100 miles from Bucks County. She claims she travels through- out the U.S. and Europe painting everyday life. Yes, this took place when she had the millionare husband that she could suck up some bucks to travel. Oh and that infomation about the traveling took place way, way, way back. Oh that sounds so impressive but she is seen leaving her drive to go to town about 3 minutes away and back to her fancy home again. Of coarse being her neighbor and screwed over by her long three year suit on my my family…much like she did to her ex -Beatty Chadwick. Oh and we were sued and taken to Coart by her. But…Hmm she never showed up for Court. See the little quaint Town of Thomaston we have lived in for twenty-five years know us real well, compaired to her five years living beside us and we had the Town Lawyer that saw right through her ” sheep in wolfs clothing,” and her new husband Mr.Fraser. Next ,she has claims that her Art hangs at the AZTEC PRINTING and the ECHO BAY MIN…Gee, she didn’t add that those places were clients of her former husband H.Beatty Chadwick. Hmm I guess if the name is spelled right(being Beattys wife at the time) she can hang her blotches anywhere! However she lives in a large home that’s been re-done over in and out. I don’t want to forget her Museum/Art Studio/Garage/Worshop building she recently had built in her yard about two years ago. Last May she was holding workshops at her new building…Shame! shame! our small street is not zoned for her to get paid for her shops or sell her art. Oh dear she got caught by the town Code officer . Ms. Applegate knew the codes and knew all about needing to go before the Board of Artist and neighbors on her street before she started her…sneaky untruthful business. Living in Maine and in the local areas all my life you know things like the back of your hand. Like the leading artist in this Mid-Coast area is Andrew and Jamie Wyeth. Those artist as well as others mentioned in local news or free press always have shows at advertised even on television…but what about Artist Applegate? mmm don’t see her name anywhere not unless it is on legal papers where she is suing us for false allegations. This woman and her new husband have definately been a wonderment in the neighborhood. . .not very nice people. In this area where there are so many artists not well-known and then you have the famous artist as I mention in regard to Andrew and Jamie Wyeth. The under dog artist I would say would be much like a writer or actor if your not up with the big leagues then your considered “Starving,” So where do you suppose, Ms.Applegate and her unemployed husband get their bucks? Certainly not from him a gardener, and she just another artist. Why do you suppose out of the panel of Judges one is against Beatty’s release? Why doesn’t the Judicial system call my family and I in as witnesses to show what three years of hell and it continues on with my wonderment neighbors? The PA legal people have our Court documents to show that Ms.Applegate has a pattern for legal issues and wanting to control people. Poor Mr.Chadwick
    sits in jail lost in the system because not many care. My family and I do and we pray for him everyday. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this picture out 🙂

    Lesa Dyer Kitching
    Thomaston Maine


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