Here is a very funny video mocking the way Microsoft merchandizes its products. This is kind of a “what-if” story about how Microsoft would have packaged and sold the iPOD. Anyone who does packaging or merchandising will find this particularly hilarious. A must watch for future marketeers.

found by Bill Reising

  1. Carl Trimble says:

    Microsoft is claiming that they produced this video… I do not know if I believe them.

  2. Larriveejp says:

    Even more odd, this was supposedly created by Microsoft:

    According to Microsoft spokesman Tom Pilla, the video was “…an internal-only video clip commissioned by our packaging [team] to humorously highlight the challenges we have faced RE: packaging and to educate marketers here about the pitfalls of packaging/branding.”

  3. Rob says:

    What is the music in the soundtrack?

  4. Brian says:

    That music was in the movie Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.

  5. James Hill says:

    And Pilla’s quote shows, yet again, why M$ doesnt’ get it when it comes to marketing software.

    On the flip side, who did the 360’s packaging? While not as nice as the iPod, it’s pretty good.

  6. I wouldn’t doubt if it was internal — though I’m sure it wasn’t approved, artists do this stuff all the time. It still goes back to my theory that middle management is running (ruining) much of the design at microsoft. Just cause you think you know what looks good, doesn’t necessarily make that true…

  7. Dennis Baker says:

    That’s just priceless!!! and oh so true.

  8. BB says:

    This is part of that 500 million dollar PR investment Microsoft made. It’s meant to make Microsoft look like the hapless underdog against Apple (watch for more of the same with Google, too).

    To tap into Apple’s and Google’s markets Microsoft has to rebrand itself as the small outsider. Monopolies aren’t hip. It’ll never capture the market while people think of the competitor-crushing, soulless beast.

  9. John Wofford says:

    Why, oh why do we get these little video things after I’ve left the broad band at work and came home to my soon to be abandoned dial-up?
    And I wasn’t aware that anyone at Microsoft had a sense of humor. Or humour, if you prefer.

  10. site admin says:

    Solution: get broadband at home!!!

  11. dD says:

    If this came from MS, it is surely intentional as BB pointed out. This is very funny, but you can bet it is MS trying to sway consumer opinion about it being an uber monopoly so that it can appear to be an underdog. Anyway, if MS really had designed the iPod it would never had evolved as quickly and beautifully as it has under Apple, it would probably still be monochrome, generation 1 design. MS only ever do just about enough, never more than you expect. The only possible exception is the Xbox360 and Live service, not that I particularly care about gaming but it seems to have been a success.



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