Australian ISPs would have to filter out all pornographic websites if the Australian Labor Party is returned to power, according to a proposal floated by the main opposition party in that country. Calling it a “clean feed” system, ISPs under a Labor government would be forced to provide guaranteed pornography-free service to all households and schools, as well as any other ‘Net access point that can be used by kids. Those wanting access to porn would still be able to opt in under Labor’s plan.

Currently, all Australian ISPs are required to offer filtering software to their customers at a reduced price, but the Labor Party believes that the lack of computer literacy on the part of some parents limits the effectiveness of such solutions. According to the party’s figures, up to two-thirds of parents don’t bother to use filters on their computers.

People don’t agree with the pressure groups trying to manage access; so, the government will legislate taste on their behalf. It’s all as stupid as the V-chip — the most ignored piece of silicon in the United States.

  1. I would just ignore the Labour party, got some good things going for them, but most of it is bad.

  2. garym says:


    for once, I agree with you.
    Most of your posts are too liberal or have too much of an anti-establishment slant, but you are right on in this case.


  3. Bill says:

    I read the attached article, and you know – it still amazes me that in our society, all the way up to the 2006th year, the “powers we put in charge” still insist on attacking the symptom and not the cause. How about imposing a stoning or caning on parents that are too F#%KING stupid to believe their little boy or girl would never be exposed porn? Even if they start filtering everything, Spyware has taught us that they will find a way through any filter eventually.
    I say we start with the problem at home first and educate kids about what is lurking out there on the net. It doesn’t take much time, it’s much less expensive than imposing a LAW on all ISPs. The bottom line – I’ve learned since my first internet connection – if somebody wants something out there bad enough, they are going to get it – Law or not!! And think … we vote for these people.

    And just a note on a different topic – Chinese porn sites – pixellated pussy is not porn – it sucks. Show the real deal, or get it the hell off the net in the first place.

  4. James says:

    The problem here is that governments have gotten into a habit of saying the people are too stupid to know what they want so we have to legislate what we know they don’t know they want. A government like that is no longer representative of it’s people, it’s trying to dictate what the people want. And what word relating to government stems from “dictate”? hmm…

  5. Alex says:

    Since when are Aussies such prudes anyway? Did the leaders of the Labour party fall on their heads? I am guessing the Labour party is going to lose the election.

  6. Harold says:

    I’m wondering when such laws are going to appear in the US. A state can force local ISPs to offer filtered service at half the price of unfiltered. Everyone will, of course, get the cheaper connection, and suddenly some private filtering company becomes the state censor. See the case of “SmartFilter” blocking legit sites such as

  7. zybch says:

    This will probably just end up like my current government’s “lets ban on-line gambling” thing. Sure, they stopped it dead (except for the few government approved paces that rake in HUGE taxes), but they were only (shock horror) able to close down aussie sites.
    All the good sites just shifted their servers overseas and continued on as if nothing had changed.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    As mentioned earlier, spyware has a nasty habit of bypassing filters. Having the dot xxx domain would go much further in filtering porn then any add on software ever could. Then it would be as simple as either your computer allows or doesn’t allow that domain.

    The other thing I was thinking about is the excuse about “Computer Illiteracy”. Well, if they are too f***n stupid then stay off-line. If there is a test before you can drive a car then maybe a course, and possibly a test, before anyone with children can get on-line. Now before I get flamed on this, I can see the pitfalls, but please remember, it is only a thought.

    And that V chip. Are they any good with salsa?

  9. Mike Voice says:

    The part that is complete crap is the section which Eideard colored blue..

    Calling it a “clean feed” system, ISPs under a Labor government would be forced to provide guaranteed pornography-free service to all households and schools, …

    What kind of guarantee is possible???

    Without examining every link, and every file, and every data-stream that crosses their network, how would they identify porn??

    What would be the penalties be for the ISPs?

    This reminds me of the old game – the online-porn version of six degrees of separation – where people would get a random site from Google [ “I’m feeling lucky!” ] – and bet on how many links from that site they would have to follow to find porn. The person who claimed the lowest number would then try their luck.

    I guess the Labor Party’s Australia could setup a system like China has, and get their own versions of Google & Yahoo as well. 🙂

  10. John Wofford says:

    I hereby apply for the job of Pornography Grader, in other words the only guy in the country with totally unfiltered (not to mention free) access to every porno site on the web. I will define, for the ignorant and unwashed populace, just what is porn and what is not. Somebody else will have to accomplish the actual filtering (the union, y’know), but I will define the levels of filtration, such as one star for one butt cheek, a half a star for a nipple, maybe three stars for female above the waist (front side) nudity, etc.

  11. A Badger says:

    This is just the Australian opposition leader trying to appear more conservative. Another brainless move from a gutless and ineffective opposition whom I personally blame for keeping the current government in power.

    If we do get porn filtering, dvork unsensored might be in aussie filtration city given the pictures of women with ‘large tracts of land’ in other articles!

  12. NotMe says:

    I believe pron should be required viewing for everyone. There should even be required school courses in comparative porn covering both still photos and video along with make your own porn homework assignments and in class demonstrations.


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