In Texas, of all places? Wonder what semi-Texan George Bush would think of this?

Bar Sweep Sparks Controversy

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission sent a message to bar patrons last week.

TABC agents and Irving police swept through 36 Irving bars and arrested about 30 people on charges of public intoxication. Agency representatives say the move came as a proactive measure to curtail drunken driving.

North Texans interviewed by NBC 5, however, worried that the sweep went too far.

At one location, for example, agents and police arrested patrons of a hotel bar. Some of the suspects said they were registered at the hotel and had no intention of driving. Arresting authorities said the patrons were a danger to themselves and others.

“Going to a bar is not an opportunity to go get drunk,” TABC Capt. David Alexander said. “It’s to have a good time but not to get drunk.”

  1. Dan says:

    Don’t think of it as a infringment on you rights but rather a Pre-emptive Strike on Drunk Driving!

  2. jasontheodd says:

    Please God, someone tell me “Capt. David Alexander ” was joking. Cuz if he was serious then I’m sorry to say, the man is a dumb ass. What the hell does he think whiskey and vodka (both served at every hotel bar I’ve ever been in) are for? Once you get past 40 prof there is no other reason to drink it than to get your buzz on. Been homebrewing for a while, never had anybody come over to just “sip” the wares if you know what I mean. Wait till they get in the car to write a DRIVING violation or your just being a jackass. If the ACLU needs work, send them down to Texas.

  3. Steve says:

    Sure, public intoxication is still a crime in the US. But were these people visibly intoxicated?! Were they loud and unruly?! Were the bar owners or patrons complaining?!

    I don’t think the police should be able to go up to random people in bars and test their blood/alcohol level merely because there’s a small chance they might later drive.

  4. SignOfZeta says:

    Why are bars legally allowed to have parking lots? This I have never understood.

  5. Brad says:

    Maybe they’ll be able to curtail traffic accidents by handing out tickets for ‘attempted speeding’.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    At first I thought this was the joke of the day. I guess it couldn’t be if so many are taking it so seriously.

  7. Tod says:

    Welcome to the world YOU voted for…

    If we can “pre-emptively” go after terrorists….
    If we can “pre-emptively” go after “terrorists” [read: anybody with viewpoint you don’t agree with]….
    If we can spy on people without warrants….
    If we can hold “suspects” without charges, rights, informing ANYBODY the who-what-where,…
    then why not?

    Think about drunk-driving, get a ticket.
    Think about speeding, get a ticket.
    Think your Rights are being infringed, get a ticket, go directly to jail[Guantanimo], do not pass Go, do not collect $200 dollars.

    Why not? After all, it’s for “Public Safety”….

  8. Greg B says:

    There was a Washington Post article about this a number of years ago when Virginia tried to pull the same stunt. I never saw a follow up on this but some people were definitely contesting there arrest in court.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hey, are you guys sure this isn’t a joke. C’mon, where is the camera?

  10. laineypie says:

    if not to get drunk what the hell is a bar for?? thats exactly what its for…

  11. kzoodata says:

    Interesting – 11 comments and no one is offended by the dead-cat picture.

    ppffffft – OK 12.

  12. Dave Drews says:

    He’s not dead. Only trying to sleep it off before TABC Capt. David Alexander spots him.

  13. BK says:

    I’m from the San Angelo area and I’ve heard a ton of stories about this in San Angelo, and in Lubbock. Stories about undercover cops in bars watching to see if you drink more than 3 beers and if so they ticket you.

    I have never seen this and I think it’s become a sort of Urban Legend for Texans these days. I kinda understand the idea behind stoping them before they get to the car. Perhaps they should/are watching for behaviour more than counting and preventing a future problem.

    Although I must say that arresting some people at a Hotel bar is a bit excessive. They could have asked the receptionist if they were registered at the Hotel.

  14. Dan Rocha says:

    This makes for good fun, but there actually is a point to all of this. There’s a big difference between putting a buzz on, and getting DRUNK. Bartenders are trained to spot drunkeness, and the law (in most states) requires they not serve people people who are drunk. Some bars ignore this, so it appears they are attempting to police this by going after the patrons–the drunk ones.

  15. BK says:

    This is true, and I didn’t even think about it, but in Texas the Bartender and/or waitress is held liable if a person leaves the bar intoxicated and proceeds to have a car accident while under the influence. The bar tender or waitress can then be sued. The weird thing is that the person is held liable and not the establishment.

    Kinda makes me wonder why they don’t have “malpractice” insurance like doctors.

  16. Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo® says:

    So just remember the wise counsel of El TABC ( ¿ a new terrorist group ? ), if you go to a bar, do not consume ANY beverage because it COULD have alcohol in it and you COULD get drunk if you consume a sufficient quantity of them. Also, be sure to have what El TABC considers ‘ a good time ‘ or they may file criminal charges against you for failure to obey the directive of a police officer.

    ¡Remember, police officers are armed and dangerous !

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejp®

  17. Drial says:

    You know as a bar owner I would be upset. I am now afraid of going to a bar in the off chance that I can be arrested. So I will stop patronizing local establishments and just stay home. Welcome to Prohibition 2000 style. Crack down on the areas you can do something. So instead of criminalizing possesion, as they did in earlier times, they criminalize locales that allow consumption. Smoking, drinking….what is next? Closing fast food places cause you can get fat?


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