A national survey conducted in advance of the March 22 National Goof-Off Day finds that playing video games ranks highest among the ways young men like to goof off and spend their time. The online survey, conducted by Jupiter Research and Nintendo, finds that 39 percent of men ages 18 to 34 like to play video games to goof off, beating

* surfing the Internet at 36 percent
* watching TV at 31 percent and
* going to the movies at 23 percent

“The numbers show playing video games surpassed all the most popular forms of entertainment, including TV, movies, music and the Internet,” explains George Harrison, Nintendo of America’s senior vice president, marketing and corporate communications.

You all know who you are.

  1. Steve says:

    What’s up with guys today?! I when I was a young man we wanted sex. With females, I might add. We never got it, but that’s a different matter.

  2. david says:

    I have a dream job. My boss gives me 99% freedom. My office has a better view than my CEO’s. I spend, on average, 7 out of 8 hours doing my own thing. There is no stress. No worries. My salary covers everything I need. I am the king of slackers! 😉

    Thank you, God.

  3. Mike says:

    I could do nothing all day and never have to worry about being fired.

    Thank God for the Union… and I don’t even pay their silly dues.

  4. Bill says:

    “I have a dream job. My boss gives me 99% freedom. My office has a better view than my CEO’s. I spend, on average, 7 out of 8 hours ….”

    David …. do you need an assistant? I work cheap and take up very little space 🙂

  5. Seventus says:

    I think every day is National Goof-off day to too many employees. I declaring it on a specific day helps any of it.

  6. John Wofford says:

    As befits a senior executive I plan my goofing off; lotsa papers on the desk, a very serious something on the computer monitor, and hell, I gotta go, the boss just came in…

  7. todd anderson, iii says:

    dude, people play games, it’s human nature to do so, and what make a video game any different from play parchesi or gin rummy? who says you have to outgrow something that engages your mind more than television or music or the web?

  8. david says:

    Bill, I only hire young girls with big tits.


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