Who could POSSIBLY have thought this could happen?!?

Microsoft delays consumer launch of Windows Vista

Microsoft Corp. said on Tuesday it plans to delay the consumer launch of its much-anticipated Windows Vista operating system to January 2007 from its earlier target of the second half of 2006, sending its shares down nearly 3 percent.

Microsoft said Vista is delayed because it wants to improve overall quality, particularly in security.

But I thought that was what all the last 10,000 updates were for.

Unlike the current Windows XP, there will be no versions designed specifically for advanced 64-bit computing, multimedia computers or Tablet PCs.

Hmmm…. Since these are some of the things I’m interested in (and I’m guessing, a fair percentage of others out there) (well, not the tablet), why would I (anyone?) be interested in Vista?

  1. bob wilson says:

    things haven’t changed must from yesterday, same vapor channel, new vapor date.

    I don’t find this ‘staggering’ in the least. At best its status quo.

    Well, I was hoping to compare Vista to last year’s OS X Tiger…but looks like Leopard or beyond….

  2. david says:

    Vista sounds like the “Millenium-Me” assault on Windows XP. My company is no way going to upgrade. We still have users on NT that we are trying to get upgraded to XP. I would say the next big OS will happen in 2010 when Microsoft comes out with Windows Dieci.

  3. Beren says:

    64 bit and multimedia are built into other versions.

    multimedia pc is in the big bastard home special edition and the ultimate crazy bells and whistles versions. where as 64 is an install option an all but the basic home one i believe.

  4. moss says:

    There’s supposed to be someone out there interested in the tablet? I mean other than line inspectors.

    Oh, that’s right. They’re supposed to switch over to the Origami.

  5. Rube says:

    Hmm…the Mac Expo is also in January. Could it be the announcement that the Intel PowerMacs will ship with XP only?

  6. Dennis says:

    this one hurt me….from laughing like hell.

    Vista has turned into the phantom OS. *grin* We won’t be upgrading anytime soon. Heck, you said 10K upgrades. We just started WSUS to keep our XP boxes updated and I *already* have over 600 updates! Sheesh!

  7. Mozart says:

    that’s it. i’m buying myself a mac computer

  8. John Wofford says:

    Well, looks like the new system will get this copy of XP; and the old will most likely become a Linux toy box. But stability is good, right?

  9. KB says:

    And the punch line is the part about Vista being “much-anticipated.”

  10. jeremyrobbins says:

    call it WishTa – for all the time the have wasted they could have written a entire new operating system – nope lets just keeping getting more bloated rather than more efficient.

    They are prob. re-thinking the whole prefetch concept now that the new Flash Drive are coming in 30 Gig sizes.

    Just start over already.

  11. gquaglia says:

    Who cares. Vista is sounding more and more like XP SP3. Certainly not worth the upgrade cost not to mention the hardware upgrade needed to run it.

  12. Rod says:

    And in other staggering news, water is wet. Film at 11.

  13. Phronk says:

    *generic comment about how everyone should just buy Macs*

  14. Neodiablo22 says:

    If they are delaying because of security then I doubt that vista will ever be launched. Anyways thats a bs excuse considering that they are going to have there own security software that they are selling seperately. I wonder when vista would have come out if it had the same project scope it started with(ex. winfs)?

  15. Jason says:

    If they truly do take the time to make it more secure, then I’m fine with them delaying it. If it’s just as excuse… well that’s lame.

  16. rus says:

    #16 Jason: I think someone finally got to the higher management at MS that it just isn’t ready. Will it ever be? That’s a bet I am not willing to take…I’ll let me boss pay for the trials. Meanwhile I will think about what #8 – Mozart said.

  17. Mike Drips says:

    As I have repeatedly pointed out in my blog (http://forevervoyaging.blogspot.com) there is no reason to “upgrade” to Windows Vista.
    Other than the one reason that Halo 2 for the PC is being written to run ONLY on Vista.
    Otherwise save your money. It’s an OS for Microsoft fanboys.

  18. seo says:

    the problem is that microsoft is the owner – lets leave them alone

  19. meetsy says:

    If microsoft had been ON TIME with that product, that would have been news.

  20. Jonesy says:

    I’m currently in the year 2009 of November. And I feel for you as I myself had to endure the pain of working and waiting on microsoft products. But I do have news about Vista. Microsoft did infact release Vista a few years ago in 2008 of February. So you will see for yourself a working version of it in a few years. Vista was no more than what Apple’s OSX was doing years before it. Apparently though it failed majorly due to once again browser security issues. I mean extremely failed. Vista is no longer a working OS as Microsoft announced last year to recall every version. Microsoft is due to release another OS named BOB. This ofcourse was delayed in our time as well. Maybe someone from 2012 can let me know what is in store for me. Go Apple.

  21. jasontheodd says:

    Mac…….OS Tiger has a graphical desktop
    Linux……XGL is a graphical desktop
    Windows??? wait another year???

    The worst part of all this is that Microsoft owns the direct X environment. It is arguably the best 3D environment out there. Why is Microsoft so unable to get the different parts of its bloated body to work to common goals??? This was old tech 2 years ago. but another year for Windows to get is. Just like IE not having tabs or RSS yet. (unless you count a buggy beta for the next IE)

  22. Christopher says:

    You would probably be interested in Vista because those features, along with Media Center features, are built into the base operating system, not sold in separate editions as with XP. Come on, is that the first article you’ve read about Vista?


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