Kid Allegedly Shot and Killed Just for Walking on Grass

The press is reporting this as a case of a 15-year-old getting shot for walking across somebody’s lawn. Does anybody else get the feeling that there might be much more to this story?

Irritated but calm, the homeowner called 911 and told the dispatcher that he had finally done something about the neighbor boy — the one, the man said into the phone, who had been harassing him for years.

“I just killed a kid,” Charles Martin said, according to a recording of the Sunday afternoon call (audio) released by police in Union Township, near Batavia, about 20 miles east of Cincinnati.

Martin, 66, is charged with murdering 15-year-old Larry Mugrage, who lived next door to the house where Martin kept a meticulous front lawn with grass that he could sometimes be seen measuring to the inch.

Police said crossing that lawn is what got Mugrage killed.

“I’m being harassed by him and his parents for five years and today I just blew it up,” the caller says on the tape, before identifying himself as “Charles Martin.”

Neighbors said Martin was quiet, often sitting out in front of his one-story home with its neat lawn, well-trimmed shrubbery and flag pole with U.S. and Navy flags flying. In his fenced backyard, he had several birdhouses and a shed painted like a small red barn with white trim.

Neighbor Joanne Ritchie, 46, said Mugrage was known as “a good kid,” and that she always considered Martin to be friendly.

  1. RonD says:

    “I’m being harassed by him and his parents for five years and today I just blew it up,” the caller says on the tape, before identifying himself as “Charles Martin.”

    Sounds like he may have asked the parents for help controlling their kid , without success. Five years is a long time to put up with a problem. On the surface it seems the guy does have a mental problem and snapped. It will be interesting to hear more details about this case.

  2. Flags flying high… a true patriot. He exercised his right to own a firearm… that way when he snapped it would be right there. Sad. damn sad.

    Trouble with guns is that the point and click interface is far easier than that on a Mac.

  3. gquaglia says:

    N Eric Phillips, funny how you associate being a patriot (flag flying high) with being a crazy gun toting killer. One has nothing to do with the other, unless, ofcourse, you hate this country.

  4. John says:

    I have run ins with smart alec kids, luckily I am young enough still and big enough to back myself up. When you get older and frailer and the stronger punks start to pick on you, you might just pick up the ole double barrel too, and even things up.

  5. John says:

    To those of you who put down America….. Me and my old Marine Corps buddies say “STAY OUT” we don’t want you here.

  6. I did not put down America, or patriots. What I put down is another of those who profess one thing and do another. In this case defend the right to have a gun even though the ease of use makes it a first resort, not a last. If there was a misunderstanding due to my language, I apologize, (I know many Patriotic Americans who own no guns, such as me) however the notion that patriotism and gun ownership goes hand in hand was not invented by me. Pick up any gun mag and turn to the NRA ads and see what I mean.

    BTW: it is wrong to call him a crazy gun toting killer; he was a man who lost control. In the moment of two trigger pulls both his life and that of the poor young man was changed. It is a tragedy.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    N. Eric

    A good piece in #39. So many people here believe that guns don’t cause any problem and if there is a problem then it must be the nut case behind the trigger. To tie the Flag to the person holding the gun will surely trigger a reaction in it’s own right. Without even commenting on the morality of gun ownership.

    Your are right that guns shouldn’t be the first means of settling an argument. In this case it was the last for the 15 yr old boy.


    I haven’t seen any posts yet condoning the shooting. Most understand what drove the old man over the edge to take such drastic action. All crimes of passion have a motive and underlying cause. This NOT a senseless killing. The shooter had an explanation for what and why he did it. In other words, the shooting makes sense. That does not make it right, legal, or justified by any means. Only understandable

  8. Mike Voice says:

    (On another note, Mike.. it’s pretty immature to tie in a political bash with a totally nonpolitical story)


    It wasn’t a political bash, it was a totally non-political bash against whoever at Fox thought-up and/or okay’d a “cute” play-on-words to be broadcast during coverage of a child’s murder.


    “Mowed Down” [Martin was obsessed with his lawn, get it… wink, wink… ] 🙁

  9. KB says:

    Mike Voice, I had no trouble understanding your point, which was a good one. It was a good example of the obsessive need of the popular press always to make a pun.

    Some people can read politics into anything and everything– and they do.

  10. executehim says:

    They should execute this bastard. Publicly. Put a cross in his precious lawn, nail him to it, and set it on fire. There is no excuse for this. You people that can sympathize with the man in this case are all fucking scary sad twisted fucks. Killing a kid for walking on his lawn, regardless of how many times the kid did it, is INEXECUSABLE. There’s a billion other solutions to this that don’t involve taking a life.

  11. TINA says:

    I know just how he feels! I have wanted to do the same thing. People need to teach there BRATS to respect other peoples property or it is going to happen again! I hope the kid rots in hell!

  12. Eileen Parry says:

    fuck all of u who support the bastard. He shot and killed a kid. He didnt shoot him once… he shot him twice, and after he did it the only thing he was worried about was getting in trouble. He lived near me, went to my school, I went to his funeral. He was a good kid, straight A’s he was a normal kid no more smart alacly then anyone else at this age. The guy had no fucking right, i dont care if he stepped on his damn lawn, u dont shoot the kid.

    Larry Mugrage, 15 Freshmen at Glen Este High School.
    He had his whole life ahead of him. Now he doesnt.

    And have u seen the guys yard, ive seen it in person in the middle of the summer, its not even that great.

  13. John says:

    The last comment says it all, if she were my kid I would whip her foul mouthed little bottom. “No more smart aleky than any other kid”…. You smarted off to an adult ….. especially on their property….. when I was a kid, it didnt matter if you were right or wrong…. dad would teach you some manners with a belt…. Bet the little cretins in your town stay off peoples lawns for a while, and leave the crazy ole guy down the street alone, to do with his property what he wants. …… a hard lesson, but maybe a necessary one.

  14. Eileen Parry says:

    In regaurds to John,

    You heartless jerk. I’ve had my fair share of beatings so shove it. The only time i utter foul words are when i am faced with foul people. I am a straight A student never talked back to an adult, i respect adults and so did Larry. You dont know him, ok so dont any of you dare judge him. And like i said i respect adults, but only if they deserve it.

    You think it was necessary for larry to get shot? I dont, the lose of life is never necessary, if this is the new penalty for walking on someones property then its true…. Our country really is going to hell. I love this country but its people like you that think a kid’s life means nothing that makes me ever doubt it.

    And if you think that because this happened its gonna stop other kids from walking on some crazy ole guys lawn your wrong. It’s just gonna get kids to start calling the police on thos crazy ole guys cuz they’re afraid they’re gonna snap. If someone is that unstable he should be locked up.

    Our property is disrespected all the time, we ask people to stop. They do for a while but then it starts up again. It really annoys us (our christmas lights have been cut, our house egged, my bike had a wire snipped) but no matter wut happens to our “property” we will never harm someone over it. They are just inanimate objects, its not us, you should never place the value of someones life over the value of some dirt.

  15. Matthias says:

    In Regards to Comment 46:

    Just because you were raised one way, does not make it right for you to be that way with others. Did you appreciate being hit? Its not even an a true comparrison, getting hit with a belt might hurt for a few minutes, getting shot is death. The End. Your life carried on, and here you are, inconsiderate and thoughtless. But thats ok, you’re still alive, and as long as it isn’t you that wasn’t shot, you really don’t care.

  16. Matthias says:

    And to all those wonderful People talking about their patriotism to America:

    Your Patriotism is blind, I don’t care if you’re a marine, a soldier, or the President Himself. Your personal pride in this country was not here before 9/11, I can practically guaruntee that, blind patriotism is wrong! Why? Because its Blind, losing sight to the world will be your own downfall. America is not the greatest place on earth, how do I know? I live here. Its a nice place, but it is riddled with problems we just hide. Obesity is a Problem, Ignorance is a Problem, Racism is a Problem. There is no Utopia on Earth, That Statement Includes America.

  17. John says:

    I guess there was no Fourth of July…. No Army , No Marines, no National Anthem…. nothing at all American and patriotic before 9-11…. Funny in my world there was…… What color is the sky in your disrespectful, hate filled, convoluted world…. All the problems noted above are because of disrespect… Obesity- disrespect of ones self. Racisim – disrespect of others heritage. Ignorance- disrespect of self betterment. …… And the disrespect of others property brought this whole issue up….. if not for the actions of the one whole set the chain in motion….. he most certainly would not be dead.

    Take a good look in the mirror…. the next person you push to far… cut off in traffic… call a dirty word…. cuss at for no good reason…. That may be the last person you disrespect….. And telling combat trained Marines who did the job they signed on the line to do, and held up their end of the bargain, that they have no pride, is probably pushing one of the buttons that could get you taken out, if you run your mouth to the wrong one.

  18. Matthias says:


    The Problem with opposing minded political people is that, no matter what you tell someone, you won’t be able to convince them you are right. You above statement says the message that if someone Is Obese, Ignorant, or Racist, its ok to shoot them. Just like its ok to shoot somone for walking your yard.

    I don’t know about you, but if my world is hate filled, then what is yours, where it is ok to shoot people just because of their differences. You tell me I disrespect you because I think Blind Patritotism blinds you from the world. But I think you disrespect everyone else because you have no tolerance for people that have different Intents, opinions, or Ideals than you.

    If its ok to shoot someone for walking in your yard, Then what else could you shoot someone for? Bumping into your Cart at the Grocery? A fender Bender? Taking the Last Bagel at the Office?

    You are obviously an extremist, who envisions a world of streamlined people with no culture.

  19. Eileen Parry says:

    Lets see all the things you describe as patriotic were all started in the past. And in the past (like 100 years ago) I will agree that, the 4th of July would be considered an act of Patriotism. But today, the 4th of July is just another excuse for people to get drunk and party. Not to mention it is just one day out of 365 1/4. How patriotic is that? And again, people today only show patriotism in times of National emergency otherwise they dont give a crap. And the National Anthem was written during the war of 1812, not recently. And just because someone is in the marines, navy, or army doesnt mean that they are patriotic.

    “And telling combat trained Marines who did the job they signed on the line to do, and held up their end of the bargain, that they have no pride, is probably pushing one of the buttons that could get you taken out, if you run your mouth to the wrong one. ” «– Is that a threat? I dont care who it’s directed to, you are posing a threat at someone just because of what they think… how respectful is that. You sound like such a hypocrit.

    You, sound like a loose cannon with no control. I respect you for only one reason. You had the guts to be a marine, but that doesnt make you a patriot. I dont think you even really understand this country.

    And as Matthias said it “America is not the greatest place on earth, how do I know? I live here. Its a nice place, but it is riddled with problems we just hide. There is no Utopia on Earth, That Statement Includes America.”

  20. John says:

    Eileen I can only hope that when you go to take your kids money for them to buy cigarettes and candy bars in prison, that your mind thinks back on how you felt about respecting people. About trying to teach your kids and those around you to do whats right …. and how you and those around you failed as parents and members of society….. again this would not have happened had the events not been started by one individual and sadly he is dead because of his actions. You usually do not have to worry about a threat… It is the ones that watch and observe the weakness you have that will do you in, this is true in business and life…. Read Machiavelli, he could teach you alot. Sadly you are not worth anymore of my time because life has not shown you enough lessons yet….. And you are too naive to realize it…… Farewell may your life turn out different than where it is headed now.

  21. Steve says:


    Are you serious? Earlier you threatened somebody. Which is NOT okay. Now you tell a kid how she will run her future? It’s like you want this to happen. Your world consits of violence and terrible people. All you see is the bad things. To side with this guy, I would say you are a relative….or a lover.

    And yes I do have to say there was pride before 9/11, however there wasn’t as much as now. You sir are a hipocrit, but wait, mabey you are just ignorant.

    I know I shouldn’t get involved, but when you say murder is a sign of their right….you aren’t aware of JACK SQUAT!

  22. Matthias says:


    You sir are the Naive one.

    Why is it that you have no respect for young people, as they haven’t learned enough lessons in their life? Does that Make them Sub Human? Did it ever occur to you that Children are just as much people As Adults are? That they can be as intelligent if nor even more? You don’t take into consideration that someway, somehow you could be wrong.

    As for Machiavelli, he was a corrupt, brainwashed man, who though intelligent, did nothing but support the totalitarian rule of the De Medici Family. His message is simple – Love the Ruler Selflessly. That sounds rather fascist doesn’t it?

  23. JV says:

    I see you all yelling at John. But what about that Tina? Ya wanna teach people lessons by killing? Well DEE DEE DEE, wake the fuck up! How do they learn if they are fucking dead? Are you seriously that dumb?

    To John. You are really un edjucated. You are in the marines….OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I have lost respect for whoever the hell trained you. Apperently they didn’t get in your head that killing people for pettyness isn’t right. It’s what people call immoral. Immorality, is ignored by morons. You John are just the kind of person do just that. In fact I bet your world consits of death and destruction. People like you are going to bring about armegeddon. Hell on earth is probably your fantasy…..just like little boys.

    I also bet you are one of the people who would build a starbucks across from….a starbucks.

  24. gwen says:

    i know this is late.
    but i think that was wrong for the guy to kill larry.
    im best friends with larrys best friend.chris.and he cries himself to sleep every night since then.all of you who are for the old guy:you all need to leave.he shot a 15 year old 2 times…
    i think that is a pathetic.espicially over a stupid best friend wants to die b/c he lost his best friend to him

  25. Dave says:

    I would have killed this kid as well. Get off my lawn. Stay off my lawn. Get out of my life. Stay in yours, leave me alone.

    What’s so hard to understand about that?

    Why should I have to put up with people pushing me around and telling me what to do?

    The kid deserved to die, and his family probably does too.

  26. Barry says:

    This was no child, a “kid,” but a young man, and young enough to know better. At 14 Alexander was leading Phillip’s armies.
    I don’t know enough about the case to have an informed opinion, but at at first blush it sounds like he was bullying the old man, knew what he was doing, his parents would not or could not stop this behavior, and and old vet in fragile mental health lost control.

    There were other avenues for Mr. Martin to pursue. Killing is a last resort, and he should have saved it for last, but it isn’t as if this “boy” is blameless.

    Next step: The young man’s parents who should have raised him better will sue for wrongful death and take everything the man had, including the lawn.


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