Other Amazons

English is a funny language.

Amazon Changes ‘Abortion’ Queries

Amazon.com said Monday it had modified the way its search engine handles queries for the term “abortion” after receiving an e-mail complaint that the results appeared biased.

Until the recent change, a user who visited the Seattle internet retailer and typed in the word “abortion” received a prompt asking, “Did you mean adoption?” followed by search results for “abortion.”

Spokeswoman Patty Smith said the automated prompt was purely based on technology, and that no human had made the decision to show the question.

“Adoption and abortion are the same except for two keystrokes,” Smith said. “They also, in this case, happen to be somewhat related terms.”

  1. Mike says:

    Biased? What a stupid thing to complain about. I guess maybe to those who believe abortion is just another form of birth control.

  2. david says:

    God is sending a message via Amazon:

    All you righteous right-to-life people put your money where your mouth is and adopt the millions of otherwise would-be aborted fetuses every year.

    Words are so easy. Actions are hard.

  3. Kent Goldings says:

    Adoption is of interest to someone who wants a child and can’t have one. Abortion is something of interest to someone who has a child and doesn’t want one. I see no conflict.

  4. Jim says:

    I like that comment up above, they should stand outside with the people who protest at abortion clinics and make them all sign up to adopt a few unwanted children. Maybe they could convince someone to not have an abortion if they agreed to adopt the child when it was born.

    Leave the search terms alone.

  5. James Hill says:

    Agreed: Anyone seeking an abortion should be directed to information about adoption first. Their liberal education probably failed them in the first place, and they have no clue about all of their options.

    You liberals make a lot of sense when I turn your words around to form logical statements.

  6. AB CD says:

    The adoption waiting lists are pretty long. The issue is that most of the foster carte people are older than what the adopters want. A million more babies a year wouldn’t be that difficult.

  7. 2xbob says:

    I would love to adopt an unwanted child… then again I also believe people should keep their south poll away or use a contriceptive. Being a conservative christian I would rather the former but Im not so simple as to think people will do that. One of the problems is the buracracy and red tape to adopt. You think its hard to get a trailer in a katrina zone, think how hard it is to get a person.

    I wont get into an argument about abortion for medical reasons. For those its the lesser of two evils

  8. A Canadian in America says:


    If you really want to adopt, and are not just blowing wind, then check it out. Call your local Child Protection agency or your state web site for foster children. You might be surprised about the “red tape”. I am sure you will be pleasently surprised about the support available from your local Child Protection agency.

    There are a surplus of children out there waiting for adoption. The waiting list is for those that want a white, blue eyed, healthy baby. Forget about the 6 yr old boy with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or the 10 yr old girl that was molested a good part of her life, or just those with a dark skin. Children with problems like these are the ones that stay in the system.

    That was a very good argument about asking the abortion protestors if they would adopt the baby if the mother carried to term. There would be lots of takers. But how many would still want to adopt if they knew that the child was a strong candidate for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, has schizophrenia running in the family, and will be half black / half white?

  9. J_my_ear says:

    At 2 months into a pregnancy the fetus, if male, develops a penis. The question is: Is that penis any less a penis then a born penis?
    Nature gave us sex to give us children, if your parents denied that fact you wouldn’t exist. No religion involed.
    Religion aside, opinion aside, the fact is; it’s potential we’re killing.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    The question is: Is that penis any less a penis then a born penis?

    The answer is yes.

    A pre-natal penis, especially at 2 months is non functioning while a post-natal penis at 2 months functions.

  11. AB CD says:

    Isn’t anyone going to complain about this interference of politics with science and technology?


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