Fatty Acid Trip: Adventures in High-EPA Fish Oil

SAN FRANCISCO, March 17 (UPI) — Nutritionists are convinced that, just like everyone else, children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are what they eat.

Specifically, the specialists have their eye on so-called omega-3 fatty acids as playing some role in the condition that, in general, is marked by trouble keeping still, difficulty in maintaining attention, propensity toward acting impulsively or some combination of the three.

Omega-3 fatty acids are plentiful in cold-water fish, such as salmon, herring, tuna, clams, crab, cod, flounder, sole, halibut, catfish, trout and shrimp. They also abound in nuts; soybeans; walnut, olive and flaxseed oil; seeds; whole grains and dark leafy greens.

  1. moss says:

    Whatever happened to childhood supplement 101 — cod liver oil? Parents in northern climes still get kids cornered once a day for a tablespoon of that terrible-tasting slimy glop. But, it really turns out to be good for you.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:


    I remember Cod liver oil when I was knee high to a grasshopper on it’s elbows. We all took it. But sometime later they ended up putting the oil in a gel capsule. That wasn’t so bad.

  3. zeke says:

    Bah, why bother with looking for this stuff in healthy foods?
    Its a lot easier to eat fat and sugar laden processed slop and then just rely on pills to calm junior down.

    How weird is it that I agree with those scientologists twits (all praise Xenu!) that were are over medicating our kids waaaaay too much?

  4. dfrag says:

    Love the picture of Carrot top eating that fish.


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