CNet News – March 17, 2006:

Controversial plans to create an Internet red-light district would be revived under a new U.S. Senate proposal.

On Thursday, two Senate Democrats, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Max Baucus of Montana, introduced a bill called the “Cyber Safety for Kids Act of 2006.” The 11-page measure would require the U.S. Department of Commerce to work with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that oversees domain names, to develop plans for a domain name system that would house material deemed “harmful to minors.”

“By corralling pornography in its own domain, our bill provides parents with the ability to create a ‘do not enter zone’ for their kids,” Pryor said in a statement.

The bill suggests, but does not require, that .xxx serve as the domain name ending. Any commercial Internet site or online service that “has as its principal or primary business the making available of material that is harmful to minors” would be required to move its site to that domain. Failure to comply with those requirements would result in civil penalties as determined by the Commerce Departme

related link:
Dvorak’s column

  1. While in theory this seems like it might not be such a bad idea, I find it highly doubtful that they could get every existing porn site to switch their domain name to .xxx.

    And if only some of the sites are using the new domain, there doesn’t seem to be much point to it.

  2. James says:

    Well, I bet they can get every US based site to do it since they were looking at fines if they don’t. But, any non US based sites aren’t bound by US law so they can do what they please.

  3. andrews says:

    Excellent idea in theory… just like Louis said though, they’ll be little point in it if only some porn sites are moved.

  4. Tod says:

    LOVE the “strike-out” in the headline!!

  5. joshua says:

    lots of proposed congressional action on internet stuff……found an article a couple days ago about on-line gambling. Seems some members of congress want to ban it and force the sites to shut down. But, once again the problem is those sites outside the U.S. jurisdiction.
    Found it in the Fox News online under opinions.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    A good common sense idea. Until someone like Pat Robertson screws it up.

  7. Hey Now.
    Just another place to find the same porn players!
    Another gold rush for the name game dumpster divers.

  8. BOB G says:

    What part of “worldwide” do the members of congress not get

  9. Don says:

    Maybe they should dump the .XXX. It seems to cause some kneejerk reaction among certain groups. Think if they suggested .SEX. Same principle. What else might they come up with? Suggestions?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    World wide means everyone gets on board. I don’t think I know of one country where pornography is welcomed totally unrestricted. Every country regulates it to some degree. Child porn is perhaps the easiest example of what we want restricted.

    The easiest way to ensure that name miners don’t grab all the names is to simply allow only pre-existing .com and .net sites to change their domain. Only after they have changed would any new XXX domains be assigned. The only problem would be if two different companies shared the same name on .com and .net.

    This could work, but if the Bush administration gets involved then expect problems.

  11. david says:

    Or, we can supply every male with a female sex servant so that porn dies out naturally.

  12. If kids really want to see midget porn with little midget dicks fucking dogs , let them. Let them fuck up their mind with bondage and start doing blowjobs on random people they tie up on the side of the road.

    As for .XXX. This is just some stupid christian attempt to say porn is bad. .XXX domains will essentially stop kids from viewing porn. You just block the domain.

    And I would say I dont want little 9 year old kids getting on a porn site. No matter if the kid will turn 15 and do it anyway. You dont need little 9 yr olds exposed to that (anal sex – bondage – etc). We need parents.

  13. Paul says:

    Having the .xxx domain is worthless. It’s a domain name, not an IP address. As such, if .xxx addresses are filtered, then anyone could block anyone’s site. Just assign their IP addresses to your .xxx domain name.


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