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Here is a small collection of pics I took a week or so ago in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is perhaps one of the most picturesque cities in Wester Europe. Everything seems to date from 1600. A visit to the Van Gogh museum is worth the trip alone.

  1. Bob says:

    Nice pics, John. What equipment did you use, and S/W for photoediting?

  2. Charles says:

    Very nice pictures John. I was just in Amsterdam in February. It seems you snaged more sun than I did. Van Gogh was well worth it as well as the National Museum. Did you try any herring? Yum.

  3. Alex says:

    The pictures are really great, but I hate slideshows that don’t let me advance at my own pace.

  4. Babaganoosh says:

    Bonus points for the picture of the mass of bicycles. That’s something I hope to see in the states one day.

  5. J.C. nice shots! Keep shooting! –Richard

  6. peterv says:

    >seems to date from 1600
    Its not only London which had a great fire… 🙂

  7. Guy says:

    Great pix John. I had the same question as comment 6… 🙂 ?

  8. site admin says:

    The red light district is generally NOT picturesque and only lively at night when it’s hard to take shots. And since there are so many tourists floating around the district gawking I don’t think it’s a good idea to be taking their pics as you would have to do. That said I’m sure many of the women working the booths would be amenable to getting a nice tip to pose for “staged” shots that would be more amusing than candids. Maybe next time.

    As for the sun and clouds. I think I got lucky since the weather pattern was quite unusual. Each day would bring a succession of sun, wind, snow, rain, sun, overcast, snow. It was very strange. The snow came in the form of about a 15 minute storm, then disappeared.

    I have another series of pics from the environs (Delft, Woerden) that I hape to post later.

  9. K Ballweg says:

    Thanks for putting your various slideshows in a side column menu to go back to. The pics are very well done. It would be nice to know the answer to the first comment’s question as to what equipment you were using.

    Unlike most of us, you get to see and handle a wider range of new gear, and I tend to think that what you settle on for personal use is going to have a better than average chance of being among the best out there.

    A suggestion would be to list the basic equipment in the caption for the initial posting of the slideshow for all us photo buffs.

  10. David says:

    Great slideshow! But a little too fast for me to read in some of the pictures. You can change the speed by pasting the following into the URL bar and changing 5000 to a different number of milliseconds.


  11. BOB G says:

    last time I was in amsterdam taking pictures was not allowed in the red district. that was several years ago maybe it has changed..

  12. site admin says: varies from slideshow to slideshow..but in this instance I was using an Olympus 8080 Wide zoom. I would have preferred something with a larger CCD since most 8 MP cameras have a dynamic range problem and need to be boosted a bit after the fact. But when I travel to Europe I want the most powerful camera I can find in the smallest package with good battery life and a good flash. Nobody makes a small flash unit like Olympus. It’s actually astonishing. This camera is no longer the state of the art and it is missing image stabilization which would have been useful since I blew a number of shots that would have been saved by image stabilization. The Northern Spain slideshow was also done with this camera. I probably have a half dozen other slideshows that I simply have not had the time to organize including China, Austria, Dubrovnik, England and elsewhere (Brazil, Peru). I have to be in the mood to do them.


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