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If you have nightmares about Barney, then don’t, I repeat, DON’T watch this video from Japanese TV. But if you’ve ever wondered what Teletubbies would look like if the creators were on acid…

  1. jasontheodd says:

    It’s right up there with H.R. Puffnstuff.

  2. Ethan says:

    I am relatively speechless…

  3. Glenn says:

    whats with all the phallic looking characters

  4. kyle says:

    they have been watching too much benny hill

  5. cheapdaddy says:

    What do you mean IF? The ragdoll crew must’ve been on something when they dreamed up the tubbies. They were probably eating ‘shrooms when they came up with the BoomBahs.

  6. Puttanun says:


  7. Drewski says:

    Was that an evil cucumber? A good samaritan squash? I’ll never be able to eat vegetables again without recalling this poignant and tearful tale.

  8. Max says:

    What’s with Japan’s obesession with rubber suits? And did anyone find the kidnapping and child abuse overtones of that sketch a little disturbing?

    Never shake a baby! Even if they have 8 arms…

  9. SignOfZeta says:

    I think its a doll, and not a baby, since peanuts and octopus cannot actually mate. Not sure about that though.

    This show is called Kure Kure Takura (Gimmie Gimmie Octupus) and dates back to 1973. It probably cribbed much of its look from H.R. Puffnstuff (along with visual FX from tokusatsu shows like Ultraman, obviously).

    I’m sure the people of today’s Japan think of it as being just as jacked up as we do.

    I remember reading this thing from ex-head of the US division of General Products (which in itself was the merchandise division of Gainax, a big Japanese animation company) and he mentioned how they sent him a bunch of Takura dolls to sell. It wasn’t a hit back in 1990 or whenever, and it seemed stupid that they sent these toys to the US back then, but now with our irony obsessed hipster market being as huge as it is, and obssessed with limited production vinyl toys…I’m thining GP was just ahead of its time.


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