Finding documentation for this video is difficult, but it appears to be done in the Middle East and looks to be similar to a “sideshow” where zanies spin their cars around in front of peers to impress them with their stuntman skills. This looks like the driver is supposed to trigger a high speed spinout. The ones shown here often go horribly bad. Unlike the makeshift sideshows done in US urban centers, this looks like an event!

  1. Brian says:

    Holy “Let’s see how many spectators we can kill”Cow

    Kinda funny but wow, I wouldn’t be standing or parking to close to that.

  2. JoAnn says:

    How very Darwinian…..

  3. Puttanun says:

    Maybe the real fun of that was to see who was able to avoid the sliding / out of control cars.

  4. Mark says:

    A Friday afternoon comute in Los Angeles.

  5. Bob_from_Buffalo says:

    Guess these guys just busted the “asians are bad drivers” stereotype

  6. Improbus says:

    Way to clean the gene pool boys!

  7. Paracryptus says:

    This is in Rhyad, Saudi Arabia. Thats what happens when you get no booze and no sex.

  8. site admin says:

    Ah, I was wondering where that was taking place. It’s hard to get any pics out of Saudi Arabia.

  9. Improbus says:

    #4 – Mark,

    You are correct that does look like a Friday afternoon commute in L.A. … just substitute asians for arabs.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Some people just need to stick with camels.

  11. joshua says:

    #7 is right…’s Saudi……I read something similar to this a few months back….no sex…no booze….nothing better to do…

  12. Sean says:

    apparently allah wasn’t willing.

  13. The Chef says:

    I’ll wager that a lot of bleach was needed to clean all those soiled white sheets they wear.

  14. jONNY_LIBERAL says:

    Let me be the first to call all you who made references to Allah/asians/arabs/darwin/saudis as a bunch of racists. If this video showed a rally championship done in europe, you’d have no problem with it.

  15. ben says:

    This video looks bad, but it’s a wreck compilation. There’s another one floating around the internet with no wrecks in it, and frankly, brilliant driving.

  16. Wakko says:

    These people insist on parking along the roadway!


  17. Mr. Fusion says:


    This wasn’t a rally and it isn’t a race. You don’t have trucks on a race course. These are just a bunch of idiots doing spin outs. Obviously they don’t know how to drive. If this was a bunch of kids from the Mid-West doing this then they would still be idiots with camel dung for brains.

  18. Not_Liberal says:


    Here comes the sensativity police…

    “That was offensive! My neighbors-brothers-girlfriends-dogs breeder is Arab!”

  19. GregAllen says:

    I didn’t need to see that. It’s not going to help the image of Arabs at all. Looking at the dress, I’m guess somewhere in the Gulf region.

    I wonder how many of those are stolen cars from Europe? Apparently there are lots over here.

  20. Max says:

    How much disregard for human life do you need to participate?

  21. doo doo in your face says:

    i always thought that arabs had opposite views of normal people…
    first there is the thing where they believe that if you suicide bomb and kill 50 people, that you go to heaven…
    now they think you drift with a fwd in a straigth way….
    brings a tear to my eye. from laughing!

  22. bob says:

    Ben, I’ve seen the other video you’re talking about, and it’s not brilliant driving, it’s brilliant editing.

    The ones that actually didn’t crash just got lucky. Everyone can regain control of a vehicle if it doesn’t hit anything before it stops.

    Johnny_Liberal, if this was a bunch of yahoos doing the same stuff in Europe, we’d be trashing them just as hard.

    Why don’t you go back to your DNC strategy meetings? I’m sure they’re hard at work figuring out how to lose another election, and judging from your post, they probably need your input.

  23. MicheleR says:

    Clearly they don’t have the issues we do in LA about “drag” racing. They can be a lot more Darwin than us, thank God or is it thank Allah? Maybe Allah will let them kill themselves a whole lot quicker than we can kill ourselves? You go boys, please by all means 10 points for all of the pedestrians & 20 for every drive that doesn’t walk away.

  24. Jay N. Robbins says:

    I am a Southerner and a NASCAR fan. I just KNEW it…… them ragheaded sumbitches are the dudes that killed Dale Earnhardt!

  25. Kint Verbal says:

    “These are just a bunch of idiots doing spin outs. Obviously they don’t know how to drive. If this was a bunch of kids from the Mid-West doing this then they would still be idiots with camel dung for brains.”

    No, look, these guys are a little crazy, but they are not idiot. They like to provoke danger and they love to drift cars. They have enough money not to care for a few wrecks. If any one of these guys finds himself in a to-the-limit situation in a real situation, you can bet he’ll handle both himself and the car much better than you would. Just have a look, understand, and let be.

  26. Chris says:

    This is the DMV try outs for shuttle drivers to and from airports

  27. Michael says:

    I’m living in Kuwait right now, and some of the driving over here really is brilliant. It’s absolutely insane, but brilliant all the same. It’s quite common to see guys on 4 wheelers going down the road at 70mph doing wheelies.

    Also, whoever thinks there’s no drugs, alcohol, or sex in Saudia/Kuwait is a fool. There’s tons of it over here. There’s even a methadone clinic in downtown Kuwait City.

  28. mohammed says:

    im from saudi aribia i think this sport is very good way to have fun in our free time

  29. From Egypt says:

    Guys i just want 2 till you Saudi arabia is the only Contury going fast with there car’s if you don’t belive me i got like 100 bluetooth for ppl hit by car’s if u want it message me .”. i Had leaved in saudi arabia .”. it’s kool but ‘ Cars is damn !!

  30. Abdullah says:

    Fuck all American
    Americans are asshole


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