Finding documentation for this video is difficult, but it appears to be done in the Middle East and looks to be similar to a “sideshow” where zanies spin their cars around in front of peers to impress them with their stuntman skills. This looks like the driver is supposed to trigger a high speed spinout. The ones shown here often go horribly bad. Unlike the makeshift sideshows done in US urban centers, this looks like an event!

  1. mohamed says:

    thx thx
    thx thx thx
    thx thx thx thx
    thx thx htx thx thx
    thx thx thx thx
    thx thx thx
    thx thx

  2. arab says:

    wat are u trying to say about arabs??? so wat its not like americans and europeans havent done stupid shit .. ur here riting that were suicide bombers and all this bullshit and wen we cal dumbass retards like your president u bring up all this bullshit about how we shud be understanding;.;..

  3. ECA says:

    Idiots are idiots, no matter the country.
    In the USA, if you got Caught doing this, you would have so many Tickets, and fines you wouldnt be able to get Insurrance, OR a car, for the next 10 years. AND if you hit anyone, it would be Manslaughter, and ANOTHER 20 years.

  4. AJ says:

    Arabs are fucking idiots – Sand dwelling inbred disgusting excuses for human beings.


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