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Is there a Bill Clinton clone that also supports the Port deal?
Clinton was a supporter of the Port deal.
Heck Bill Clinton received $1,000,000 for his presidential library from his friends at the UAE. They pay him $300,000 per speech. He also has other paid gigs with the evil UAE.
You don’t hear much about that in the lefty media.
How is the UAE evil? I’m perplexed by this. Are they evil because of their very large indoor ski resort? Their interest in future tourism? Is it because they exploit immigrant workers? Or their hotels? Is it the hotels? Are gold plated sinks just too much? I’m really quite curious about what makes them evil.
Even with his excessive “y’all” and “you know what I’m saying” interjections, this kid is a better public speaker than his uncle. Sounds just as stoned, though.
Yes nick the ol’ Bill-Clinton-did/does-it-too-defense.
Pretty soon it’ll be, “Bill Clinton was impeached too.”
“Why would the press ever give a rat’s butt about what an ex-president is doing?!”
Oh that’s just ridiculous. The press is constantly following Billy and you can’t open a paper without hearing Carter talk shit these days.
As for the “Clinton defense,” it becomes valid when those who raise holy hell about something are the same people who never criticize that behavior from their own political party. More importantly, we’re reaping the whirlwind of Clinton’s legacy, he wasn’t president 26 years ago, he was president 6 years ago. Decisions and policies he implemented are very much affecting us today, and you’re an idiot if you don’t see that.
We’ll be paying for Bush’s mistakes for the next two terms as well. That’s how it works…so let’s stop pretending Clinton’s accountability ended when he left the White House.
Pretty soon it’ll be, “Bill Clinton was impeached too.”
Pierce Bush? Who names a kid Pierce?? Creepy.
“Even with his excessive “y’all” and “you know what I’m saying” interjections, this kid is a better public speaker than his uncle.”
Jesus. My DOG is a better public speaker than his uncle. My birdbath is a better public speaker than his uncle. Whatever you think about Dumbya’s politics, EVERYONE has to agree that the guy is an embarrassment as a public speaker. Winston Churchill, he’s not.
And yes, “Pierce” is kind of a creepy name. They must feel the New England charisma slipping away.
Its just scary! Hopefully he’ll be knocked down and killed by a truckload of dwarves before he can get elected to any public office 😛
Bill Clinton’s runny bowel movements are better speakers and would be better presidents than Dubya.
The Chewbacca Defence = the Clinton Defence.
Steve, you are either trolling or you’re just plain ignorant of the news in America. I can’t think of any other reason you’d say such patently untrue things. Try plugging Carter or Clinton’s name into a Google News search and you’ll be proven instantly and spectacularly wrong.
Maybe it’s just ignorance. Maybe you should try to broaden your sources for news. Maybe it *is* that I read more than you. All I know is, my assertions are provable with a simple search, and they disprove your statement.
I can’t believe nobody else has said it so I will:
Pierce Bush? My sentiments exactly!
We can thank Bill Clinton for Rendition. That was his baby. I know the left and the lefty media want to credit evil Bush for that one.
You don’t hear much about the Oil for Food scandal. History will give it the relevance that it deserves.
I can’t believe this crap. Clinton left the White House over six years ago. When he left, the country had full employment and showing surpluses with each budget. There is just no way anything today could compare to what Clinton helped America achieve.
BTW. The first renditions were done while Reagan was in office.
You make a very good point about Clinton. Damn, he even is in the news more then Reagan is. Try Googling that one !!!
Good point in #13. I might add, even Reagan bowel movements lately sound better then King George the Worst.
Clinton couldn’t be bothered by radical Islam. The Cole, 2 African Embassy’s, World Trade Center the first time, etc….
The bad guys have been coming for years. Clinton lobbed a couple of Cruise missiles and under his administration our intelligence organizations were neutered. Remember Janet Reno’s rule.
Clinton road out the Tech Boom, party with the Lincoln Bedroom guest’s and turned his back to the enemy.
Now Bubba’s on the UAE payroll and the Lefty media doesn’t say a peep!
Again, how is the UAE evil? Are you confusing them with the fictional UAC?
It is called sarcasm. I’m sorry if you misunderstood.
Clinton’s close ties with the UAE were never questioned by the lefty media or the brainless trust of the Democratic Party when the Port deal debate was hot and heavy.
#21 Is that also sarcastic?
Clinton is also to blame for WWI and WWII. Korea. Linberg baby kidnapping. All evil since the beginning of time. A three trillion dollar debit ceiling – opps sorry that was Bush the perfect, the clean, the pure, the honest defender of haliburton and big oil everywhere and finder of WMDs.
The neocon salute – Heil Bush!
I would almost think this video is a prank if I didn’t know it to be true. Very funny. I have no idea why Today wasted 5 minutes interviewing him, but it was certainly funny to watch.
So what does Clinton having ties to any Arab country have to do with Prince Pierce and his babbling? Now I couldn’t get through the whole interview, he was just too obnoxious for me. Ms Brown didn’t help any either. He sounded like he a sour pickle up his pompus butt.
Does all the world end up on Clinton’s doorstep? Is it that King George the Worst can do no wrong because Clinton was wrong first? Has your Doctor changed your meds recently? Has King George the Worst suddenly become a world class public speaker? Are the 80% plus of Americans wrong to oppose the Dubai Ports deal? Are all those Republican lawmakers in Washington wrong to say it is not in the country’s interest? Have I missed something very important about Home Security that has happened recently?
Sorry if there were too many questions for you, but at least they are closer to the topic.