Maureen Farrell: When Big Brother Gets Under Your Skin — On the next episode of Cranky Geeks we may be discussing the RFID virus among other things. In the process of developing some talking points I ran into this rather good post on the RFID controversy. A good read.

Though this technology took root during World War II, in the past few years, it has been brought to the national consciousness through several surreal avenues. Hollywood remakes such as the Manchurian Candidate and the Stepford Wives featured chipping as a means of control and manipulation; Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh famously complained the US Army had implanted a chip in his right buttock; and the History Channel featured a discussion of the possibility of a future “microchip population” in a segment on secret societies. (The idea was forwarded by David Icke, it should be noted, who also believes that both Presidents Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton belong to a race of shape-shifting reptiles.)

  1. NumLock says:

    Those reptillians, when will they learn?

  2. Smith says:

    The two arguments that will be used to open the door to mandatory chip implants are:

    1) For the children — protection from kidnapping, being lost, etc. (how many parents had their children fingerprinted?)


    2) To track all convicted felons (they already require them to submit DNA samples — at their expense).

  3. Elvis Ripley says:

    Only Hillary is a reptile. Bill is just controlled by one. But other that that it seems about right. A lot of people carry their social security card in their wallet. The problem is that with a radio frequency device anyone could “look in your wallet” from across the street. Or something like that.

  4. Improbus says:

    This just confirms my low opinion of my fellow man.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:


    RFID implants have already been used in humans, I’m talking about *cough* slaves in certain *cough* BDSM groups.

  6. etnin says:

    Wayne, I’ll take one in my forehead. If it won’t fit, my right hand will do!


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