These screen shots of the Novel Xgl interface. If your machine can handle the download, there is a movie of the thing here. If you can really handle the download then there is an ISO image of the Interface running on a “live” version of Kororaa Linux that you can find on various servers here and there. CLick here for the list. It should run directly from the CD.

An Newsforge article summarizing this developing situation is here.

Hot stuff. Of course on my dual core SLI SATA machine the disk won’t boot. I’ll have to run this on some lesser computer.

kudos to Zeovermind for getting these links

  1. jasontheodd says:

    Is it wrong that I’m aroused??? Linux geek moment of zen…

  2. Thrall says:

    Ok , first.

    You don’t need a big huge computer to use it. It worked fine on my linux box with a Celeron 2ghz and a Nvidia GeForce MX 440.

    Now let me clarify. I didn’t use the live cd. But if you install it on your distro using the CVS (including cairo and other things) you can customize it.

    I use ArchLinux and I installed it and ran it by exiting X and doing startxgl. I used gnome with it at first and it ran perfect.

    The only problem I ran into was that I had some artifacts. it wasnt using the nvidia driver , so I made it use it and everything was even faster.

    I use it as my xserver now and it runs fast. I have no memory usage problems or anything. Now granted , I wont have all the crazy effects it will have on a freakin ATI X10884613561521.5484 but it looks amazing.

    It has wonderful effects such as crazy beatiful movement effects when you drag a window. Real transparency and the gnome menu is all animated.

    Now I stopped using it today and went to gnome with a nice window theme and a GDM theme and a background , plus transparent terminals. It’s simple but not an eye sore like default gnome is.

    I don’t need much, I live in the terminal.

  3. Donald says:

    I have this on my ubuntu box. The best eye candy I’ve seen in awhile.

  4. Alex says:

    Works great on ATI X700 Mobility.

  5. Greg V. says:

    Torrent of the iso here. The US mirrors were down or slow.

  6. Gregory says:

    See, now… comment number 4 is exactly why I can’t be arsed to use any form of Linux.

    An OS should not be that much work to install! All the stuff that you had to do should be catered for in the install process, otherwise what is the point?

    Linux is a programmers OS right now, and programmers make very poor UI designers usually.. so it’s not surprising that it’s crap for desktop use.

    Of course if you are one of the 0.05% of computer users that lives on the CLI, then you’ll be fine.

    Until I can run the latest version of PhotoShop, 3dsMax, and similar on Linux though… I don’t really care. Linux is a “second machine OS”, not a primary one.

  7. framitz says:

    It seems just plain silly to waste resources on a bloated GUI. I bet this GUI takes more computing power than most applicatons.

    Everyone forget the KISS principle?

  8. site admin says:

    I downloaded the entire image in minutes by using overseas connections.


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