Here is the now famous “Cat chasing its own tail” video floating around. Kind of sick fun I suppose.

  1. FARTaLOT says:

    I love cats.. and I love spinning cats that get dizzy and fall on thier face! Classic! This isn’t sick, it’s just friggin funny!

  2. Mike McDonald says:

    I don’t like cats but this is cruel and sadistic.

  3. WTL says:

    Pretty damned funny, even it is perceived as cruel by some. I doubt the cat’s life will be damaged by this…

    Unless it happens every day.

    But then, you would think the cat would *learn*.

  4. david says:

    I was pulling my Maxima into the garage a few years back when I heard a sudden loud scream like a cat just getting its tail healed on. I got out of the car but didn’t see anything except for a brown paper bag that the front tire had just runned over. There was something inside. A kitten had been playing hide-and-seek and had hid himself inside the bag. I tore open his enclosure and saw him literally like a flattened cat with his arms and hind legs splat against the pavement. However he was still alive! I talked to him sweetly, apologizing first and then scolding him for playing in a dangerous place. Then, I stroked his neck with my fingers and cooed him, “you’re gonna be alright kid.” Fifteen minutes passed and his body started to inflate again while his legs got pulled in. He had stopped bleeding from his nose and mouth. His eyes were watery. I put him to the side and parked my car. Carefully I picked him up and carried him home with me which was a few blocks away (The car was brand new back then and I was afraid to leave it parked on the street. Previous car stolen. Rented a gargage for $100/month). He started coming back to life. He started purring which was a good sign. When I got closer to my apartment building and he started getting scared. His heart beated faster and he started meowing. For some reason as I opened the front door and made my way through the vestibule and lobby his meowing became terrified until he let out a loud scream. His eyes closed and his head twisted back. He died. What happened? I attempted mouth-to-mouth rescusitation. The air returning through his nostrils when I breathed into his mouth was horrible. I stopped. A few seconds ago he was alive. Now dead for a few seconds he lay across my hands and I didn’t know what to do. The stench by the time I got him into my apartment was quickly becoming unbearable. I wrapped him up in a paper bag and placed that in a plastic garbage bag. I tied it, walked over to the garbage chute and placed him in it.

  5. Me says:

    Nice story david. The post was about some harmless fun. You’re story is just plain depressing.

    I put some tape on one of my cat’s backs once. It was hilarious watching it belly crawl around trying to get “under” the tape. Took it off after a minute and everything was fine. Didn’t even get a dirty look.

  6. Paul says:

    This video is hilarious. I love cats because you can do this to them and after a while they start finding it funny. Our critter came to us after being run over by a car. I remember hearing that horrible meow, watching him drag himself into our apartment with his front legs, crawl under the bed, and give me a look like “just let me die already.”

    I take this critter to the vet, the vet looks at him, and gives the diagnosis,” Looks like he has a broken pelvis and internal bleeding. My guess is that he got hit by a car looking at his injury.”

    Me “So do you want us to pay to put him down so he does not have to suffer anymore?”

    Vet, “Nah, just put him in a box with some food, water, and kitty litter.”

    I was shocked, but sure enough within two weeks the critter was starting to move around like nothing happened. After 6 weeks he was jumping, fighting, and doing what cats do.

    Now, we love the guy to death and has been great with our 1 year old daughter. Cat haters never gave them a try. People who find that video sadistic have never had a cat.

    Thanks for the laughs.

  7. JFStan says:

    David, your story needs a good punchline… let’s work on that next time, shall we?

  8. Floyd says:

    Tying something to a cat’s tail is not nice, and can damage the tail.

    On the other hand getting a cat to go in circles chasing a shoelace is funny, and my cat likes it too! He brings in the lace every so often, and we play for several minutes. Note that this cat has his front paws declawed, so he can’t get caught on the lace.

  9. Anyone who gets their pet declawed needs to have their fingernails pulled out.

    What the hell were you thinking!

  10. James says:

    I personally don’t understand the point of getting a cat declawed. To me it looks like it’s done simply because people are too lazy to train a cat and would rather pay to make it so that they don’t have to. Firstly, they don’t just rip them out it’s an amputation. Secondly it’s more akin to losing a finger than a nail as they can move them, feel them, and use them. Thirdly I still don’t agree with the how about you do it to yourself thing.

    I just can’t help but think of it as intentionally cripling your cat. Just teach him not to claw on the leather and bam it’s all good, you shouldn’t be more concerned with your furniture than your pets anyway. How many people do you know would be desgusted by claw marks on your couch? I personally know 0, and if you know any they are sick people and you should avoid them.

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I used to do this with my cat… he’d bring me the string to do it with! He loved playing this game and it was hillarious to watch him do it. We never tied it tight enough where it’d like, harm him or anything… sometimes it even fell off!


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