In an announcement posted on government Web sites last week, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, says it is seeking “innovative proposals to develop technology to create insect cyborgs,” by implanting tiny devices into insect bodies while the animals are in their pupal stage.

As an insect metamorphoses from a larva to an adult, the solicitation notice says, its “body goes through a renewal process that can heal wounds and reposition internal organs around foreign objects, including tiny (mechanical) structures that might be present.”

The goal is to create technology that can achieve “the delivery of an insect within five meters of a specific target located at hundred meters away, using electronic remote control, and/or global positioning system.” Once at the target, “the insect must remain stationary either indefinitely or until otherwise instructed … (and) must also be able to transmit data from (Department of Defense) relevant sensors … includ(ing) gas sensors, microphones, video, etc.”

Although flying insects like dragonflies and moths are “of great interest,” the document says, “Hopping and swimming insects could also meet final demonstration goals.”

We must have some readers who qualify for this kind of research!

  1. Dan says:

    Check out Dean Ing’s novel Loose Cannon.He goes into the development of ultra small aircraft based on insects.This is what DARPA is probably working on right now.The problem with living things “bugs or dolphins”is that they have there own agenda while machines don’t have the same problem.I think this story might be disinformation to throw investigators off track.The Israelies are on the frontline of this research and have stopped all discussion of it in their press.The book tells about both how these bugs could be used for both legit and illegal purposes.

  2. Devoss says:

    So will it be illegal to swat mosquitos then?

  3. joshua says:

    not sure about mosquito’s devoss…..but you might want to think twice about squashing that cockroach.

  4. Poob Mcginnis says:

    They totally stole this from the X-Files. Season 3 or something, corophages, a bunch of cockroaches that are metallic. Mulder concludes that they are robots that aliens sent to spy on us! Sounds like a government conspiracy to spy on the public.


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