More fun than a beer keg racer.. maybe.

I think even Jesus would be impressed. So it wasn’t wine. Still a nice try.

From Water To Beer: Woman Gets A Surprise from Her Kitchen Tap

Haldis Gundersen was planning to do the washing up when she made the unusual discovery at her apartment in Kristiansund, west Norway.

But two flights below, workers in a bar faced the more disappointing realisation that water was flowing from their beer taps.

A worker had connected a beer barrel to the apartment water pipe by mistake.

“I turned on the tap to clean some knives and forks, and beer came out,” Ms Gundersen told Reuters news agency. “We thought we were in heaven.”

  1. Steve says:

    I love how she said she was in Heaven. I know I would be.

  2. Babaganoosh says:

    My brother spent two weeks in Norway last year. Those people have to pay ~10$US for a beer, INCLUDING Budwiser.

  3. Roc Rizzo says:

    well, as Ben Franklin once wrote, “Beer is living proof that God wants us to be happy.”

    I am very suprised to find that your brother could not find any good Nordic beers while in Norway, Baba. Surely Ringes, or AASS are fine beers, and considerably more reasonabaly priced than Bud. But they DO have more taste than bud.

  4. glenn says:

    Anyone who’s done much plumbing might find this hard to believe.
    Although it’s fits one of my recurring daydreams, I suggest you remain skeptical.

  5. RonD says:

    Quick! Fill the bathtub! 🙂

  6. Nothing is more fun than a barrel of beer.

  7. Hoo Hoo Nick says:

    Well, I’m not surprised this happened in Kristiansund, out of all places. And I’m not surprised that a plumber from Kristiansund can’t see the difference between a water pipe and a beer pipe either. It’s just one of those places 🙂

  8. joshua says:

    I read this on BBC News yesterday….she said the beer had a funny taste…
    Apparently beer is a state regulated commodity, so the price is set by the goverment and is quite high. The highest in Europe I understand.


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