I recently posted an article about people driving under the influence of Ambien. Looks like this drug allows you to do all sorts of things while sound asleep. Perhaps our prez is taking Ambien. That would explain much.

Study links Ambien use to unconscious food forays

The sleeping pill Ambien seems to unlock a primitive desire to eat in some patients, according to emerging medical case studies that describe how the drug’s users sometimes sleepwalk into their kitchens, claw through their refrigerators like animals and consume calories ranging into the thousands.

The next morning, the night eaters remember nothing about their foraging. But they wake up to find telltale clues: mouthfuls of peanut butter, Tostitos in their beds, kitchen counters overflowing with flour, missing food, and even lighted ovens and stoves. Some are so embarrassed, they delay telling anyone, even as they gain weight.

“These people are hell-bent to eat.”

  1. Frazier says:

    Another weird thing about Ambien is that if you do not fall asleep when it kicks in you will hallucinate. On night I took one and did not fall asleep like I was supossed to and it seem like there were “people” in the other room. My wife said I told her I wouldn’t go to sleep until they all went home. Ambien is a very weird drug. If you want to read some weird experiences people have had check out erowid.org and look up ambien.

  2. Brenda Helverson says:

    There were persistent rumors that Bush the Smarter was stoned on halcyon throughout much of his reign. Like Father, like son?

  3. jeremyrobbins says:

    take a pill to sleep, take a pill to pee, take a pill because you pee too much, take a pill cause you eat to much, oh and don’t forget the heartburn pill because you can’t take responibility for anything can you.

  4. Chuck says:

    …A pill to make you numb, a pill to make you dumb
    A pill to make you anybody

  5. joshua says:

    My Dads best friends husband is on some sort of medication for sleep and does this very same thing. He will eat boxes of cereal, cakes, ice cream, make sandwichs all sorts of things and not remember doing it. His wife has found him sleeping in bed with a mouthful of cookies, candy you name it. Have to find out if he’s on Ambian.

  6. GregAllen says:

    Morning Edition just did a feature on this and said that more than a few people take the pill as they get off work so they’ll be ready to sleep when they get home from their commute.

    How stupid is that? It’s lucky they aren’t dead and haven’t killed a few people with them.

  7. I’m sorry, but if you a) take a sleeping pill before driving somewhere or b) take a sleeping pill with alcohol, then you have no right to complain about its effects.

    I take ambien occasionally and I have no complaints. The recent string of news stories about the pill are nothing but FUD.

  8. Kim Hunt says:

    Have been living with my mother-in-law for 3 weeks and she is going crazy from Ambien!!! I wake up and find food all over my kitchen and she has no idea she is doing it. She is starting arguments with me every chance she can and is very paranoid!!! I am afraid she is going to burn my house down!

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