I caught this shot at the CeBIT Show in Hannover. Across the woman’s chest it says “Doesn’t fit!” The tag line at the bottom says: “Infoware fits better!” Now can you imagine the uproar in the US if this billboard was presented to our American audience? What would be curious is that the uproar would be coming from the mostly humorless left (it’s sexist!) grouping together with the religious far-right (it’s naughty!). The fact is this is quite humorous. It’s too bad we take everything so seriously on this side of the pond. You can see a full slideshow from CeBit on my PCmag online column here.

CeBit Slideshow here.

  1. James says:

    I vote for *more* booth babes, not less.

  2. Hawkeye666 says:

    And all I can think of is dirty “global” and “positional” puns.

  3. Zuke says:

    Damn the Germans are manic. They please me with this billboard, and then horrify me with that carrot-topped woman in the post 2 stories above.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    So you were “checking” the gadgets?

  5. Dan says:

    John I saw your pics and there should be more babes.Face it you have a mostly male audience out here and we want more pics of the ladies at the show.We know you took the pictures lets see’em.

  6. Dan says:

    Angel I love those gadgets!

  7. gmknobl says:

    Well, my wife would roll her eyes but be otherwise, nonplussed. STOP. And I know quiet a few facistas that would complain louder than any liberal I know. My opinion of the radical right is the bottom of the barrel. I mean, they let the neo-facists into power. So, I think there would be some from the left that would complain unless there was a guy having a similar problem with another undergarment. But I know for sure there would be a bunch of nutso-cookoids from Falwell, to Robertson who would yell bloody murder.

    In other words, you may think that the left would complain, but that’s not what I see and hear every day here in SW Virginia.

  8. site admin says:

    PAUL, I’m not going to argue the fact that something such as PORNDEX does not exist and with true raunch. That wasn’t my point. PORNDEX is a segregated event. What you point out is that in the USA our barebreasted women never appear in a TV ad, but are segregated to sleaze-only arenas. Do something like this billboard at any USA computer show and you’d be tarred-and-feathered. Or do you think otherwise?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:


    I agree whole heartedly with post #10. I do have a little trouble with the suggestion in the very last sentence, paragraph 1, that right-winger’s wives resemble cows. But in the dark, who’s to tell.

    I agree 100% with post #11.

  10. spsffan says:

    “it doesn’t mean your local seven-11 doesn’t carry soft porn mags – they just have to obscure the cover. but it isn’t banned, it isn’t all underground.”

    Some of us are old enough to remember when Playboy and Penthouse were displayed cover and all at the local store. IIRC, covering them up started about 1980 or so, due to complaints stemming from the far left. Degrading to wyomyn you know.

    It was just about the same time that the right wingers shut down the head shops.


  11. John:
    The booth babe pic was ok, I guess you hand was shaking because it came out a little blurry 🙂
    CeBiT Show looked cold and boring.
    I didn’t see to many cool Hi Tech devices. The roll-up keyboard is some useful. The place to be is CES.

  12. site admin says:

    I need to get a newer camera with anti-shake.

  13. Does anyone know the name of the woman on the billboard?


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