Boston Globe: The Manly Man’s Man

Who is not just a man, but a manly man? And who today can even say the words ”manly man” without smirking?

These questions are at the heart of ”Manliness” (Yale), the new book by Harvard government professor Harvey C. Mansfield, who has long shouldered a reputation as the campus’s most outspoken conservative.

In answer to the first question, Mansfield nominates, among others, the marshal played by Gary Cooper in ”High Noon.” When the town’s sniveling semi-men slink away from the task, Cooper boldly goes out to fight the thugs arriving in his town. As for the second question-well it just shows how wanly gender neutral our society has become: Manly men scare us.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    It sure appears someone has too much time on his hands. Mansfield adds 2 + 2 and makes it 22.

  2. jasontheodd says:

    Does back hair count for anything?

  3. site admin says:

    Doesn’t that guy on the cigarbox look as if he has huge breasts?

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    John, go to a Bar named The Eagle in SF, I’m sure that would answer your question. For directions ask your best gay friend into leather (not me.)

  5. Hey John,

    I wrote a novel all about the lack of manly men in the world today (particularly in urban centers such as New York). Go to It’s enough that women have careers and still do 90% of the domestic stuff, but now we also have to handle all the traditionally male duties as well. We need to send men to MAN CAMP so they can get back in touch with their masculine roots. (It’s kind of a boot camp for men — automotive 101, basic carpentry, etc.)

    I’ll send you the book. Let me know what you think!



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