How many of the laws that you live under should be abolished?

Ireland Casts off Colonial Legacy of Crackpot Laws

With the stroke of a legislative pen, the Irish Republic intends to shrug off the legacy of centuries of colonial rule when it abolishes thousands of bizarre laws dating back to the Norman invasion and before.

Under a large-scale overhaul of the statute book, only 200 laws will be retained from the period between 1100 and 1800, when the Act of Union abolished the Irish parliament in Dublin after the 1798 rebellion against British rule.

The laws that will perish include such gems as the denial of a citizen’s right to adulterate coffee with sheep dung, the burning of witches at the stake, and the entertainment of crowds with tiger fights.

  1. Alex says:

    No wonder I never liked Irish coffee. It always tasted like shit to me, know I know why.

  2. joshua says:

    lol….no wayne…..when the law is gone, they WON’T be allowed to burn witches anymore. Damn, there goes another reality show that would have made a bundle.


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