You can take it or leave it, but unless most of this is pure BS, this documentary should get a lot of attention…or be removed from the net by the government. That said, this video would have been so much better if they used a professional voice-over and played the whole thing straight. Hey boys try watching Frontline and see how to do this sort of thing correctly.

found first by Tim McLain

  1. sic says:

    Dont really matter who’s reading it.. the content is what’s important. regardless, someone needs to answer some of the things he says in this video, too much, and too important to not be discussed.

  2. Incredibly interesting. Can somebody please post the URL for that.



  3. Mike says:

    This just in, JFK was assassinated by the CIA to increase our involvement in Vietnam.

  4. Jean DuNord says:

    Americans love conspiracies. JFK and Bobby were the pilots, and Marilyn was the stewardess. This piece should be treated for what it is, entertainment . I’ll give it a 6 out of 10 for that only because it is much too long.

  5. Paul Wolff says:

    Please provice a downloadable version so if it is removed, it will keep on getting posted.

  6. Trevor says:

    What is the movie called? Who made it?

  7. Trevor says:

    Here’s the direct Google Link:

    Here’s a link to a site where you can download it:

  8. Donald says:

    This is pure BS.

  9. Ben Slater says:

    I don’t understand how people can come out with “this is pure BS”. Taking one small point: I remember watching the news on TV that day and (ordinary) people who were interviewed said there had been a loud noise, like an explosion, just before the first tower came down. That in itself must raise a question or two. But if enough people laugh it of as a mad conspiracy theory then thats all it will ever be!

  10. Heathcole says:

    I agree this is BS. Answers to most of the questions are obvious.

    BTW, a loud noise right before a giant sky scraper collapses…Who woulda thunk a tree falling in the forest would make a noise eh?

  11. William Wise says:

    First, we should note that conspiracies do happen. According to our own government 911 was a conspiracy by many foreign actors to bring about harm to U.S. interests. As a result, you can’t dismiss such ideas out of hand. Operation Northwoods was a very real planning document so at least that part is not BS. Anyone who would like can go look these documents up at the National Archives or can view them on-line at George Washington University’s National Security Archive. None of this proves 911 was a grand government conspiracy but it does prove out government isn’t to be blindly trusted and therefore there is need for real, effective oversight by the public.

    Second, I am frankly not qualified to comment on the technical details (metal failure, for instance) presented in this video as I haven’t done the necessary research. Anyone else who hasn’t done the necessary research isn’t qualified to comment either, by the way, although that rarely stops people from passing their uninformed knee-jerk opinions off as fact, one way or the other.

    It is further worth noting that any particular charge of “conspiracy” related to 911 does not have to be part of a Grand Unified Conspiracy. In fact, it seems far more likely that to the extent that 911 was a conspiracy it probably involved multiple smaller conspiracies by groups with various interests. These smaller conspiracies can happen for many reasons:

    1) To coverup incompetence or embarassing facts.
    2) To coverup complicity.
    3) To coverup profiteering.
    4) To coverup direct involvement.

    I’m sure you can think of others. Many such smaller conspiracies are often stitched together by the conspiracy minded into a much grander vision of conspiracy: the so-called Grand Unified Conspiracy. These are very entertaining but very rarely true.

    On the other side of the coin, even if this were a Grand Unified Conspiracy it is unlikely that the average American would really believe it. For one, no one wants to think their government is corrupt enough to do something like this and so they simply won’t believe it. That’s how most people “think”. For a good example, review the need after WWII to march the German man/woman in the street for a look-see to various death camps to insure the reality of the holocaust would be firmly planted in their minds. Generally, people will not believe such horrible things about themselves unless they have no choice. Another reason people don’t want to believe their government is capable of such actions is that this would place a responsibility on them to put a stop to it which would severly impinge on their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to put it mildly. It’s much easier just to fob it all off as a conspiracy theory and get on with tending the flowers.

    If you want to know the truth you must do your own research against the primary source materials and draw your own conclusions. In doing so you must be as honest, objective, and self-critical as possible. Otherwise, you must just accept as fact what the government, mainstream media, or your favorite personality or cult leader tells you (take your pick).

    Good luck, and I mean that with all sincerity.


  12. Awake says:

    A couple of young people make a movie with lots of conjecture but no facts, and they get lots of attention. It gets promoted by people with little interest in real investigations and lots of interest in sensationalism. What’s next, the movie aboutthe missles being fired prior to the airplanes hitting the twin towers?

    Look at just a couple of ‘items of interest’ that they present as suspicious facts:
    a) The most gruesome: the mystery object flying out the window just prior to the collapse. That is a person jumping out of the builing. Over 240 people were found piled up on the roof of one building next door, all of them having either jumped or fallen out of the building,
    b) The micro-explosions. Anyone that has paid even a minimal amount of attention for the last 4 years knows about the construction of the twin towers, and how they were basically floors hung from a central core. As the floors collapsed, air was forced downward through available openings, blowing out windows. Plain and simple.
    c) Vertical collapses. They do happen. Look at the shopping building in Korea a few years ago. The buildings had no external support, just the internal core, and that got pulled down with the floors.
    d) Planes disappearing. They never found the engines from the planes that hit the towers… does that mean that they never existed. Planes crashing vertically into a field leave almost nothing behind.

    I could go on and on, but this film is just an amateurish bunch of bunk, with no basis whatsoever. If you are going to use this as a basis for information, you might as well watch an episode of “24” and get your information there.

    C’mon people… watcxh the movie with a critical eye, and you will see it for what it is… a bunch of baseless rumor mongering, with no scientific basis, no authoritative research… nothing. Pure trash for the masses that don’t have enough analytical capability to see through the crap that they are saying.

  13. steve says:

    I have visited conspiracy theory sites before and I have read much better explanations of the flight hitting the Pentagon than this drivel.

  14. Dan says:

    This just in JFK was murdered because his constant womanizing had compromised the security interests of the United States.Check out Seymour Hersh and The Dark Side Of Camelot.The video brings up a lot of good questions that no one in our Gov. wants to answer.Did you know that over 100 antiterrorism experts from all over the world were killed that day at the Pentagon.

  15. nick says:

    So it wasn’t the Arabs?
    It was the Bush family, the Jews, and several hundred republicans.
    Did the gold leave Manhattan on a barge with Sam Jackson and Bruce Willis hot on the trail?

  16. The film’s detractors must admit that the collapse of the twin towers was “unusual” in the way it happened. There are still unexplained coincidences, much evidence that is still “secret”, and there is a lot that has yet to be explained.

  17. George W. Bush says:

    You’re going down Dvorak!!!!!!


  18. Mike Voice says:

    b) The micro-explosions. Anyone that has paid even a minimal amount of attention for the last 4 years knows about the construction of the twin towers, and how they were basically floors hung from a central core. As the floors collapsed, air was forced downward through available openings, blowing out windows. Plain and simple.

    I was thinking along the same lines, when looking at the footage as the planes impact with the tower – showing the “flash” just before the nose impacts. [I downloaded the “original” and “2ndEdition” versions from Google – not sure which one of the two has that footage]

    They think it is an explosion. Since the plane’s speed was sub-sonic, I think this was the layer of compressed air in front of the plane hitting/distorting the windows [especially when at such a low altitude, where the air is denser than the normal cruise-altitude of airliners].

    To me, if some group was able to:
    1. place put orders on airline stock [but not claim the proceeds?]
    2. do massive insider trading from the computers in the buildings
    3. rig the towers and building 7 with explosives
    4. move almost all that gold out
    5. cause all the passengers on those three airliners to “disappear” [but let two of the planes be returned to normal use by the airlines?]
    6. blame the attacks on 19 people – at least 6 of whom seem to be alive & well…

    …that group is laughing at these videos, and maybe taking notes on how to do it better – next time. 🙂

  19. Awake says:

    21 – Mike Voice –
    Thank you for the good example of the utter ridiculous nonsense of this whole movie and conspiracy:

    “6. blame the attacks on 19 people – at least 6 of whom seem to be alive & well…”

    Show us one of those people, just one. Put him on a talk show, interview him in a reputable magazine. Even Al-Jazeera can’t do it, because they don’t exist.

    The movie is about as factual about the Sept 11 atack as Prezduh Bush is as factual about the reasons for invading Iraq and the condition of that country now: pure bullshit.

  20. Mike says:

    Not to mention that the “war on terrorism” is a war that can never have a resolution. It is a perpetual “war” that will still be called upon 20 years from now in order to justify excessive power claimed by the government in order to “protect” us.

  21. dyno says:

    Was it Plato who said governments could secure their positions and instill trust from the people by making a foreign threat appear near?

  22. William Wise says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People who are afraid of these primitive terrorist are wimps. Somehow we managed to live under the threat of complete nuclear anhilation without draconian domestic spying laws and now all of a sudden we need such laws just *in case* some primitive arab fanatics manage to cobble together a crappy WMD? Puh-lease. Get some backbone you spineless cowards! Go live in Cuba where big brother can pretend to watch over you at the expense of your freedom and leave us freedom loving Americans alone.


  23. Omar says:

    What I find most interesting, isn’t the the WTC attacks, it’s the pentagon. like it or not debris should be there, the whole is the wrong size, you can’t explain it away, it simply doesn’t make sense. A 6 ton engine doesn’t vaporize, it simply doesn’t work that way, and if it was so hot to burn that 6 ton engine then where is the inferno that should have happenned to cause it, it just doesn’t add up. Sure pieces of the video can be debunked. The problem is that you can debunk all of it, and if it all doesn’t add up then whats going on? Most importantly, the biggest problem, is why the cover up of information? Who’s to gain? If there really is no conspiracy and nothing happenned, then why wouldn’t the government release all the tapes, all the information, why why why. Frankly, everyone who calls this tape BS, prove it, thats all I’m asking, I don’t WANT to believe it, but until someone shows me different I see no reason not to believe it. Oh, and Awake:

    A) Take a look at that video, unless people are square and block shaped, and extremely large, that was not a person, compare the size of the object to the building. Doesn’t add up.

    B)The idea that air being forced downward and then popping out windows is almost absurd. Their simply isn’t that much air pressure that could build up to cause that. There are to many paths for the air to go, that building was not air tight to force windows to burst out 4-5 floors lower, and in some of the shots even farther down that that. To present the idea that air pressure caused by falling floors is ridiculous.

    Oh, and for Mike Voice, the idea that compressed air is capable of causing a flash on windows/glass from more than one camera angle is illogical. Flashes from more than one direction are caused by a source of light, unless that glass happened to have explosives built into it you can NOT do it. I could believe that the glass would be sent outward, but because of the way the compressed air occurs it would act as an extension of the airplane, and not force glass outward in that fasion at all.

    D) To say that 3 buildings of that size would collapse perfectly like that borders on ignorance. To produce a fall like that demolition crews spend weeks-months planning it, and you say that by having a plane crash into a building you can produce the same result? Oh, and what about that third building? It didn’t even get hit, and the other building next to it were just fine, why did it fall in the exact same manner? To argue that the weight of debris etc. caused to fall brings up the simple question of what about the other buildings?

    Please, go on and on.

    Oh, check out “In Plane Sight”. Same type of movie, better voice over.


  24. Mike says:

    I will say though, William, that at least Communism wasn’t as compelling a reason to strap a bomb to yourself to blow up others as Islam seems to be.

  25. Lou says:

    Just curious for those who know… what is the explanation for the (lack of damage) at the Pentagon? It does seem that there should be a bigger “hole”.

  26. Martin says:

    I tend to believe the president (and even Dick Cheney), as I don’t find them the evil folks that many do– however, there are troubling questions in the video. There also seem to be some big leaps made on a statement or two with no corroborating evidence and taking as gospel a couple sentances said by somebody on some day.

    That said, I do believe there are conspiracies surrounding this day, not just by al Queda, but perhaps some Americans or by our government. How big and far reaching are those, or to what end are those conspiracies, I don’t know– but I tend to not believe in the overreaching full executive branch/DOD/CIA/NSA/Defense contractor conspriacies.

    I do have a question of my own if this was one monolitic conspiracy by the Illuminati (and I missed our Illuminati local #346 on this): why would the government not actually outfit real (or scaled down) 757 and 767 with explosives and remote controls and fly those into the buildings. Surely this thing would have been much more convincing if they were not flying Volkswagon sized drones into these buildings. They could have flown them around in front of TV cameras and traffic copters. It would all have been much more convincing.

    And if the Dick Cheney was going to all this trouble anyway, why didn’t he have his evil clones fly a plane into the capital– things would be much easier for Dick if those pesky senators were not around.

  27. site admin says:

    Curiously nobody (on either side) mentione4d anything about the terrorists who are supposedly alive someplace and moaning about being cited as on the planes. I find this rather interesting.

  28. Jetfire says:

    I’m sorry but I have trouble with these dumb Conspiracy Theories. When they mix something that may raise questions with complete BS. The Discovery Channel did a nice piece explaining how the Towers collapsed with experts. The main reason the Second Tower that was hit collapsed first is because of the structure it took out. It did more damage then the First Plane. The main structure design of the Towers is a Tube with the outer walls as the main support. The main damage the jet fuel did was blown away all the fire protection to the steel floor supports. The regular fire than got to this steel and that’s what basically caused the floor to collapsed. This of course destroyed the rest of the outer tube. Well now that 30+ Floors above had nothing to support them so they just piled drive the rest of building straight to the ground.


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