You can take it or leave it, but unless most of this is pure BS, this documentary should get a lot of attention…or be removed from the net by the government. That said, this video would have been so much better if they used a professional voice-over and played the whole thing straight. Hey boys try watching Frontline and see how to do this sort of thing correctly.

found first by Tim McLain

  1. nick says:

    What’s next are you going to tell me that Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 was factual.

  2. J.S. Scongilli says:

    I liked some of Wil’s points from his first post but these video does seem to have way too many holes that even I can figure out. First off Burlingame’s plane hit the World Trade Center last I heard but I could be wrong. Also the reason the WTC had such insurance coverage for terrorism was due to the fact that it had been attacked in 1993. Furthermore you can dig through tons of Pentagon papers that feature plans much more crazy and out there then the ones produced in the video.

    I could believe that a cover-up of incompetances and stupidity in the aftermath of the attack did happen. That could be made clear by the actions of the 9/11 Commission and some of the issues like Able Danger that were sanitized from the final report.

  3. J.S. Scongilli says:

    Also if no plane hit the Pentagon what happened to Barbara Olson and why was she on that plane? Her husband was only the Solicitor General of the United States at the time.

  4. Jeremy says:

    Okay, you’re saying that a perfectly concealed cover-up of a well executed plan was perpertrated by the same group that couldn’t bring food and water to the coast after Hurricane Katrina???? I think you’re giving the U.S. government too much credit here. They would’ve screwed up enough to be obvious to anyone!

  5. Mike Voice says:

    and for Mike Voice, the idea that compressed air is capable of causing a flash on windows/glass from more than one camera angle is illogical. Flashes from more than one direction are caused by a source of light, unless that glass happened to have explosives built into it you can NOT do it. I could believe that the glass would be sent outward, but because of the way the compressed air occurs it would act as an extension of the airplane, and not force glass outward in that fasion at all.

    At least we agree that the compressed-air would act as an extension of the plane. 🙂

    It was daylight. What other “source of light” was needed to be reflected off of the glass distorted by the plane’s “bow wave”???

    So, these guys were not only able to fly the plane into the building, but were able to impact exactly the point on that huge, slab-sided building where the explosives had been pre-staged??

    Another thing we agree on:

    Most importantly, the biggest problem, is why the cover up of information? Who’s to gain?

    The section on the Pentagon was also interesting to me. Those three different security cameras which should have caught the plane hitting the building. Like they say in the video – if the government released the tapes, instead of 5-frames which don’t show a plane, the theories would evaporate.

    But, then again, anything they released this late in the game would be “anal-yzed” to death, and “proven” to be doctored. 🙂

  6. Clay says:

    The first rule about fight club….. Could this be part of Project Mayhem?

  7. Mike Cannali says:

    Reeks of the fecal mater of a male bovine beast

  8. Babaganoosh says:

    I could rant and rave about this video, but I’ve already spent more time on it that it deserves (actually watched the whole thing). I can sum it up like this: If you want to find something badly enough, you usually manage to find it.

    It’s great to raise questions, but not when you merely substitute your own line of bullshit for that of “the man”.

  9. tom says:

    c’mon, you can’t honestly say that something doesn’t sound at least a little bit fishy here. have some common sense and intuition.

  10. Paul says:

    As Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage and all the people players…” The US government is just doing their part to keep up the act.

  11. scott says:

    Problem here is it’s a one sided conversation, one guy telling us all this stuff. Having said that, some things need to be explained, such as pentagon damage. He makes some valid points throughout, that someone needs to answer, people should demand answers, why this kind of stuff has gone so long unanswered is baffling.

  12. FriedTurkey says:

    If 911 was a goverment conspiricy, why was Bush and Cheney running around like chickens without thier heads? Why did Bush freeze like a deer in the headlights and continue to read “My Pet Goat”?

  13. Dude says:

    Do I believe in every conspriracy theory, No, do I believe official goverment
    explanations for what happend and and monopoly media’s excuses on behalf of the goverment.


  14. Brian says:

    Couple of problems and I’ve only gotten to the “turbine wheel” part during the pentagon section. First, in the slow pull away from the pentagon where we are looking at a guys back, there are three, large, round objects on the right hand side. They sure look like a wheel that a tire would be mounted on. Second, for the turbine wheel, the diameter of the engine is 9 feet….for the main fan blade. The HP sections of an aircraft engine look very much like the pictures of the turbine wheel, and to have one be about three feet across would be about right. All commercial engines are “high-bypass” style. So the engine core is nowhere near 9 feet in diameter.

  15. FriedTurkey says:

    Wikipedia as a constant source. I am listed as ruler of the world on Wikipeida. Just give me 2 minutes.

  16. david says:

    The “Official Story” is just that: a story from the Officials.

    Three things to take into consideration:

    1) Do you trust what you saw
    2) Do you trust what you were told you saw
    3) Do you trust who told you

    Have you ever lied to a girlfriend to protect or enhance your self-interests? What’s the difference betweein a lie and a truth if the other believes either one whole heartedly?

  17. Omar says:

    Those aren’t wheels for a tire, they’re spools of wire take a look at some of the earlier photos from before the building collapsed, it’s rather distinct. Also, I highly doubt your opinion on wether thats a 757 engine or not, especially compared to the opinions given by the actual people who make the motors.

    Mike, yes it’s a bow wave, but it pushes things, like glass, inward. 2 they wouldn’t be flying at cruising speed, take of speed for those planes is around 170mph, at that altitude they would be flying at around 200mph not 500-600. So the bow wave of compressed air would be relatively minimal. Also, if you watch “In Plane Sight” they pick apart those videos and show where the flash occurs and it most certainly does not occur at the place you would expect, and from different directions it produces the same flash, this would not be the case from reflected sunlight off of shattered glass.

    And attempting to say that the government shouldn’t bother to release more video of the pentagon crash because it would be picked apart and called “doctored” is simply far too defeatest, the fact that they even waited this long raises alarms in my mind.

  18. Adrian says:

    Amazing how much time and energy gets wasted on misapplications of science. Most of these 9/11 myths have been debunked by those with better grasp of evidence and rational reasoning:

    Occams Razor rules. The simpler explanation always wins.

  19. William Wise says:

    Actually, Occams Razor states that the simplest explanation that fits all the available facts always wins. Just an FYI as occams razor wouldn’t be worth much without this extra important bit.


  20. Mr. Fusion says:


    Good reference. Unfortunately the blind can’t see when they cause their own blindness.

  21. nick says:

    So it was arabs, and not Bush, the jews, and republicans behind 9/11 ?
    I’m sooooooo confused.

  22. Michael U says:

    Having watched the entire thing…some very interesting points are raised. The problem here is that they failed to remain even partially unbiased. And its the scripting of the VO that does it in towards the end. for the first two thirds(or so) they have some very good points.

    As for those saying Dubya couldn’t have done it. You are right.. he is too incompetant. His father on the other hand…former head of the cia. Am I saying this is that case? No. I am saying there are some very glaring inconsistencies in the various reports.

    A full investigation by a “neutral”(read Non Fed Govt) party needs to take place. Will it happen? probably not.

    I thought the film raised some interesting questions I would love to see answered. I also think that they (the film makers) need to do another edit and temper their editorializing.

  23. DE says:

    These people want a conspiracy so bad they’ll find it. Just look at the “fake” moon landing.


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