An amusing little page about Belgians.
I’m sick and tired of the Belgian race getting a bum wrap. Sexism, homophobism, and racism have all been crushed and annhiliated in modern Western culture, and yet not a day goes by that I don’t hear someone slamming Belgium and the Belgians. Feeling that it was time some brave soul stood up for what was right, I’ve gathered a team of like-minded zealots and thought police, and created the Belgian Anti-defamation Institute. (more..)
Belgium… that’s one of those chocolate making countries who were too wimpy to go in there and wup Saddam, right? We showed them what a little americuhn resolve could do.
I’m suprised this article didn’t bring up any debate on the topic of: Why are Canadians so much more funny than Americans. I hope someone here is sending this dude donations.
Belgium is one country more French than France. Everything is about national honor and it’s damn near impossible to talk with a Belgium for more than a few minutes without insulting them somehow. To prove this another poster of Belgium ancestry will take offense to this statement.
Funny I never thought of Belgiums as racists and sextists, and whatever else “ist”. How can they even be a target for racisim when they are just white people anyway? when I think of Belgium, I just think waffles. Good eats.
Since when did Belgium have it’s own “race” of people? They are just white people like in any other european country.
Oh your God! That is funny as heck. And the links that seem to back-up every absolutly absurd assertion. WOW, talk about reality twists…
Hilarious stuff.
I am sending this to several of my more open minded Belgian friends….lol
But, I will probably still get dead fish wrapped in newspaper left on my door step.
And not forgetting the rudest word in the galaxy according to Douglas Adams (Hitch Hikers Guide to the galaxy is:-
“but the winner was undoubtedly from Mrs No-Supper-For-You from Norwood in Lancashire… Miserable Fat Belgian Bastards.”
The BAD Institute needs to get their countrymen to stop trying to tell everyone else what to do. Thery almost lost their NATO headquarters over it.
AB CD you must be the life of the party!
thanks Milo…..I needed a really good laugh.
The Portuguese version:
“Belgian” is a race?