This is from the video feeds from a tunnel in Russia. Highly entertaining.

  1. mark marceko says:

    I think highly entertaining is a poor choice of words while watching accidents where people were obviously injured!

  2. Rick says:

    I think, given that this may as well be fiction to anyone who wasn’t there, that it IS entertaining…in that it has no meaning whatsoever out of context. Sure, tragic things are bad…bla bla…but, the global community means we’re one big, disjoined family…and stuff like this is just so much fodder for our eyes that it CAN’T be taken as anything but just disjoined visuals…and, given that…

    My favourite is (about 3/4 in) the two lorries crash head-on (seemingly) and the guy coming upon the wreck smoothly puts on his left blinker and begins to work his way around the pile-up…like it is just one more thing in his way on the commute…THAT is where people have arrived…they watch crashed for entertainment and see them as just another bump on the way to work…so to speak.

  3. KB says:

    Reminds me of just another typical morning on I-285.

    (Yes, I’m stooping to shameless self-promotion. It’s become dog-eat-dog around here.)

  4. Flash-hater says:

    At least give the direct link for those who can’t stand flash. When did this stupid flash video craze began??

  5. robroydude says:

    I think using the words “highly entertaining” is definitely in bad taste, as this is obviously NOT a work of fiction.
    These are real people and it has REAL meaning even out of context, and it CAN and should be taken seriously even as a disjointed group of clips.
    I think persons have become way too desensitized because of all the movie car crashes etc. out there, but once you are involved in one then you realize this is not a movie – this is real life.

  6. Duffy says:

    Yep, good to know that people still can’t drive, no matter WHERE they are. Entertaining? Hardly, John.

    The two lorries whacking each other, it appears that one just roared out of a driveway without looking to see if there was oncoming traffic.

  7. Dave Drews says:

    Whether you want to admit it or not, a huge percentage of people go to car races to see the accidents. That’s what makes them exciting for many. It may be sick, it may be perverted, but that’s our country!

  8. Mike says:

    And I thought drivers here in Rhode Island were bad.

  9. Moe29 says:

    The driver of that two segment bus made one hell of a save!

  10. stalinvlad says:

    Huge fun, loved every minute of it, more please!

  11. Bill says:

    Highly Educational! Especially after the 28car pileup near the Golden Gate Bridge two nights ago at 2:00AM! in the SNOW! Be careful out there!

  12. Kevin says:

    Bad drivers are entertaining wherever they are. Lighten up, people.

  13. laineypie says:

    JOHN THATS HILARIOUS!! The question I’m asking is why does it look like these cars are slipping all over? there must be something on the road

  14. D says:

    Yes, it’s very sad, people got hurt. And it’s GREAT to watch! That bus! OMFG!?!?!11!!11!!etc.

    But, as an aside, what’s the groovy tune in the background?


  15. baltakatei says:

    Is it less ethical to laugh at crashes on Russian freeways than on American freeways? Or for that matter, should it be morally acceptable in general to chuckle at a car wreck? These videos depict events that are highly out of the ordinary and therefore are of interest to us. That’s why we laugh. It’s not as if these crashes are taking place live for our own pleasure. Playing the video feels more like a game than witnessing an actual tragedy take place. We press the play button, and we see only a reenactment of how a traffic accident in general plays out. This is useful.

    Watching car accidents for the purpose of exposing ourselves to a hypothetical situation we may potentially be in is useful. If a car in front of you swerves into a wall in a tunnel, now you know from watching the video that the most damage occurred to cars that were directly beside or behind the erring car. Also, the videos give the viewer an idea of just how little time is given to react. These are just a few useful ideas that I personally pulled from watching these videos.

    Sure, I laughed at the sheer extraordinariness of it all. That kept me watching, frankly. And then I learned what useful details I could. For me, the humor justified my attention to an unlikely but very real disaster I might run into someday.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    There is either something on the roads or Russian tires are so bad. How can people loose control while going in a straight line?

  17. Max says:

    Someone get these ruskies some tires!

  18. Sean says:

    Man, that bus driver must have been sweating bullets!

  19. flash video lover says:

    Stupid flash video craze??
    Some videos just won’t play if you don’t have the latest version of wmp installed.

    I imagine that through flash all operative sistems have access to these videos. Am I right?

    Keep the flash videos comin.

  20. ross. says:

    D, the tracks called ‘Avalon’ by Juliet.

  21. site admin says:

    People who deny flash are not dissimilar to those people who demand all text HTML

    then there is this:

  22. Don says:

    Man, those Lada’s really handle nice!


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