Once again, over-the-counter drugs cause mayhem while pot remains illegal.

Ambien is often factor in crashes, cops warn

With a tendency to stare zombie-like and run into stationary objects, a new species of impaired motorist is hitting the roads: the Ambien driver.

Ambien, the nation’s best-selling prescription sleeping pill, is showing up with regularity as a factor in traffic arrests, sometimes involving drivers who later say they were sleep-driving and have no memory of taking the wheel after taking the drug.

  1. Slow Troll says:

    I have no doubts that there’s an a near epidemic abuse of anti-depressants and sleeping pills. What I find unfathomable is how a minority of patience chose to take them and operate a vehicle. Personal responsibility isn’t a part-time occupation. The burden of being a safe driver still holds against the excuse “I don’t remember…”.

  2. Jeremy Robbins says:

    Ok, it’s out – I endulge. Funny that something for which when you throw the seed out the window – with absolutly no cultivation a plant will grow.

    Our dear nation has spent billions in the war on drugs, eps. the Marry Jane (the Gateway Drug) while completly turn a blind eye to Gun Control, Education & Poverty.

    I have a boss that falls asleep at her comuter about 20 or more times a day. She says she can’t live without her Ambien. She just can’t sleep with out, I don’t think she can wake up either. Five times I have left at noon to walk by her car to notice it is STILL Running from when she drove to work. Alert, I don’t think so.

    But let’s make the network admin take a piss test.

    Funny that pills are social accepted, while pot remains the gateway to all the problems we have.

    When will just take responsibility for our own actions.

  3. Milo says:

    Don’t you people get it? Pot is extremely harmful because the markup on it is lousy!

    In Canada where I live the government spent millions on a facility to grow pot located in an underground bunker. The pot couldn’t get anyone high and was contaminated with heavy metals!


    What was with these people, the world is full of high school dropouts growing buds the size of footballs!

  4. What, you think people drive ok on pot? Believe me, been there, done that and it ain’t true. I’ve driven while high and I’ve driven while drunk and the roads were much safer places when I was drunk.

    Now I’m mostly sober all the time. Or is it almost sober, most of the time?

  5. david says:

    I die every night. The Universe is born every morning I wake up.

  6. Veztar says:

    Why does it always amaze people to discover that drugs which are designed to affect chemical reactions in your brain also affect your thinking?

  7. Rick says:

    I think that the cartoon on the entry below (the Garfield “Duh!” one) may actually be more appropriate for this entry…and, now that I think of it, a lot of these entries…maybe make it the blog-head graphic.

  8. jasontheodd says:

    Making drugs illegal has not dampened their use, and making them legal may broaden the use. Tell you what, give them all to me and I’ll dispose of them. I’m willing to do my part to protect the public……dude.

  9. Me says:

    The sad thing is you don’t even needs drugs. Most prople drive like complete idiots without them. That’s why test rest of us need to armored personnel carriers to drive so we survive when the morons smash into us.

    It’s bad enough when you have a city where one day is dry, clear and sunny and everyone is doing 20mph, then a different day you’re in the middle of getting 6″ of snow and everyone is flying like Ted Kennedy trying to get to a liquor store before closing. Now, Add drugs to that – that make a lot of sense…

  10. The American police authorities have recently extended their tentacles into Canada.

    Marc Emery, is a Canadian whom the US is trying to arrest for selling marijuana seeds over the Internet to Americans. Emery doesn’t deny that he sells the seeds. It is not a serious offense in Canada. Emery has been doing it for years and has never served jail time up here.

    It’s conceivable that Emery could get the death penalty in the US — the drug laws in that bastion of human rights actually permit that if enough is sold. Are Americans now going to turn over women who encourage adultery on the Internet to Saudi Arabia for stoning because they are considered criminals over there?

    Needless to say, Canadians are incredibly ticked off at this attack on Canadian sovereignty and human rights.

    How many more friends are the American people going to permit their government to lose? When are they going to get it? Or, as it’s beginning to look to the rest of the world, do most Americans really believe that “might makes right”?

  11. Jack Case says:

    Yes, when in doubt, blame the lousy doctors. It’s not the patients who beg for them (often with good reason). It’s not the drug companies who potentially have released a dangerous drug, it’s not the FDA who approved the drug; it’s not the same patients who no doubt mix the drug with alcohol and other depressants. Sure, it’s the doctors fault!

    Jack Case, M.D.


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