I haven’t figured out if Ladies Against Feminism is a for-real site, created by reactionary, religious submissives who think Phyllis Schlafly is a god, or a joke. It is illustrated throughout with pictures of women “in their place.” (I put that in quotes so I won’t get hit by some of the women I know.)

Here are some quotes from the site.

We here at LAF are so thankful for the wonderful men who manfully shoulder their burden to provide for their families and work so hard to protect their wives and children. We would not be able to do our work at home if it wasn’t for our marvelous husbands!

Lady Lydia’s Theme:
“I work for a King. He has put me in charge of his home. When He comes to see how I have managed His possessions and His children, I do not want to be found wanting. I want to do my best. Everything I have is on loan to me from Him. I have room and board and a job to do, but it is all for Him. Therefore I want to dress my best and do my best in all my work. I want also to be creative, for this is a sincere attempt to glorify Him and His beautiful creation. How I manage my home is a form of worship to Him.”

An unmarried girl on being single: “While we are single, how can we best prepare ourselves to demonstrate to a skeptical world the beauty of marriage? By turning towards our father, giving him our heart, striving to please him and delighting in his company.”

Because the state cannot be religiously neutral, some religion’s principles of government will inevitably prevail over others. It is not a question of whether religion, but which religion.

  1. Raff says:

    Hmmm.. I wonder if they have a singles page. I need a good woman to clean up this pig sty..

  2. Luís Camacho says:

    “Hmmm.. I wonder if they have a singles page. I need a good woman to clean up this pig sty..”

    We had the same idea!

  3. Locke says:

    Brilliant post Ralf….Brilliant….

  4. Dale Huber says:

    The acronym for the organization is LAF, I think its a joke.

  5. Andrew says:

    Well I thought most of it sounded good. Even if this is probably a joke I think it’s great that a wife has appreciation for what the husband does for the family and would want to do her best in her role in the family. But Lady Lydia’s Theme sounded extreme to me. I don’t think the husband should own everything and that the wife should practically worship him. That seems to go too far. But if the wife wants to strive to be the best she can that’s great.

  6. Dawn McDonald says:

    I think that LAF is a disgrace to women everywhere and is just a means to deter women from what we have tried so hard to achieve.

  7. Milo says:

    Reminds me of this site. Warning may be offensive!:


  8. Slow Troll says:

    My favorite phrase is, “If Momma isn’t happy…no one’s happy”.

    If you’re a married guy you know what I mean.

    Putting women in their place isn’t a functional action. Just ask the guy a few years ago who got is Mr. Winky ripped off and sent flying on the side of road. Any questions? I didn’t think so.

  9. Cheryl says:

    “My favorite phrase is, ‘If Momma isn’t happy…no one’s happy’.”

    How true.

  10. I actually looked at the sight and I don’t think you treated it fairly. I doubt your header about “My only worth is in serving my husband.” is taken from that site.

    As for the first quote on your page, many Christian women do prefer to be homemakers, prefering to rear their own children to turning them over to baby-sitters at six weeks of age.

    The second and third quotes were obviously referring to God, and not to a husband. It is clear that the website is written from the perspective of those with Christian faith.

    I know it’s your style to make fun of anything you can, but I think you treated the website very unfairly. Very insightful.

  11. David says:

    If not true, one can dream I guess.
    Not sure what achievements Dawn is referring to, although I suppose many will advise me.

  12. Dave Drews says:


    You obviously didn’t find where the second and third quotes came from on the site. They clearly were referring to exactly what they say, husband and father.

    No doubt many woman, Christian or not, want to be homemakers. But there’s a difference between that and being subserviant to the point of being property of the husband that this site is all about. You may not be old enough to remember Phyllis Schlafly and all her rantings, but that was what she wanted.

  13. david says:

    I believe not only in seperation in church/state, work/personal but also in provider/providee (husband/wife).

    The new marriage for the 21st Century is a man providing for his spouse who live seperate and raises the kids. He sees her and their family on the weekends but is free on weekdays to pursue his passions without interferance. Also, there is absolutely no sex between them. He minds his own business, and she does too. It works.

  14. Smith says:

    LOL. Why do even try to figure out that site? Men have never been able to figure out women, and you want take a stab at the fringe element?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is the forefront of a Bush New World

    Get used to it. There is more on the way.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    I was training my wife to walk four steps behind me. That lasted all of 2 seconds. I have to get to the hospital to get some stitches above my left ear.

  17. Tod White says:

    What!?!… you’ve never heard of “Submissive”!?

    Take ALL kinds-a people to make a world, and there ARE women (and men) who WANT to think this way….

    It’s not for me, I would prefer a woman who think and works for herself AS A PARTNER.
    And nonna this bulls**t about “If momma aint happy…”,
    I don’t tolerate discrimination from EITHER side!

  18. moss says:

    So, which group are you describing, Wayne? American voters or American taxpayers?


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