A computerized winery, simplifying art with science, so say the marketers.

WinePod™ is the revolutionary winemaking experience everyone will be talking about. WinePod is a state-of-the-art winery that looks great in your home. The WinePod personal winery is your consulting enologist, your connection to high-quality wine-growers and your link to on-line wine-lovers just like you. Ever dream of making the next great Napa cabernet? You can with WinePod!

Anything is possible at zombo.com! Thrillist sheds some light on the device, as the product site sure doesn’t.

The computer wirelessly connects to your PC/Mac, and makes daily suggestions (adjust pH or temperature, add water, “drink me”, etc.). If you run into problems, the Pod’s networking software puts you in touch with professional winemakers and wine enthusiasts — you can ask them questions, or send them grape porn. (…more…)

Are micro-wineries coming soon?

  1. jasontheodd says:

    I use kBrew software to make beer. (it linux) It isn’t actually connected to my carboy though…thats creepy


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